
Song Review: Epik High – Antihero

Epik High - AntiheroLongevity isn’t always a given in K-pop, but Epik High have steadily released music since 2003. They’ve gone through various shifts — from indie to major label — and are at the point where their title tracks often feature big-name guest stars who’ve likely grown up with their music.

Given this, new single Antihero is a bit unique in the fact that it’s solely a Tablo, Mithra and DJ Tukutz affair. The trio offers an old-school hip-hop track with jazzy undertones and a steady, timeless groove. Playful piano weaves between their voices, delivering Antihero‘s main sonic calling card. This grows more adventurous as the song swerves into a production shift two thirds of the way through. The keys become complex and the beat takes a more ominous turn. Strings give the arrangement symphonic heft, pulling us to a sudden finale that’ll have you hitting replay.

As far as Epik High singles go, this one feels a bit slight. It’s catchy and moody, but more like an extension of past works than a new centerpiece in their discography. Maybe it’s the title, but the song actually reminds me of another Antiherothis one from Japan.

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8
 RATING 7.75

Grade: C+

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