New & Noteworthy J-pop of the Week (May 12, 2024)

New & Noteworthy J-pop of the Week (May 12, 2024)

In connection with my desire to fully keep up with the J-pop industry, I’m planning to do a weekly round-up of any new releases that have caught my ear. Some of these may have been covered on the blog already, but my hope is that this will become a one-stop shop for anyone interested in … Continue reading

Song Review: &TEAM – Samidare

Song Review: &TEAM – Samidare

I considered relegating &TEAM’s Samidare to my J-pop round-up on Sunday, but the group is notable enough to K-pop fans to warrant at least a mini-review. After all, they’re the guys who gave us last year’s double whammy of Firework and Dropkick — both of which were 2023 highlights. As far as HYBE boy groups … Continue reading

Song Review: ME:I – Click

Song Review: ME:I – Click

I don’t know why the name “ME:I” makes me giggle, but it does. It sounds like something you’d come up with from a random K-pop name generator. In fact, ME:I are a J-pop act, formed through the latest season of Produce 101 Japan. But like their predecessors JO1 and INI, they’re essentially a Japanese act … Continue reading