
INFINITE 13egin: In-Depth Album Review – Time Difference

Infinite 13egin

1. Intro: 13 // 2. New Emotions // 3. Time Difference // 4. I Got You // 5. Find Me


Fans disappointed in New Emotions‘ trend-chasing sound have flocked to Time Difference (시차) for a dose of the classic Infinite style. As far as 13egin‘s upbeat moments go, this is closest to what we’ve grown to love from the group. It has a slightly ornate appeal, hinging on expressive melodies and captivating structural turns. And unlike New Emotions, the song’s 3+ minute running time allows it the chance to grow to completion.

With that said, this still feels like “easy listening” Infinite to me. The synths are largely muted and the pacing pulls back more often than I would like. We hear more of the group’s distinct vocal color within the melodies, but Time Difference would improve by harnessing a greater sense of urgency in both performance and production. I hear so many missed opportunities for harmony and emotional release, but the track holds back at every turn.

Time Difference‘s chorus is probably my favorite on the album, employing a cyclical structure that adds to the propulsion of this segment. A less-muted instrumental would have pulled more charm from the track, but musical ambition just isn’t something this album seeks to deliver. Rather than emotional psycho-drama in pop song form,  Time Difference filters its theatricality through a pleasant — somewhat sterilized — prism.

 Hooks 9
 Production 8
 Longevity 9
 Bias 8

Grade: B

4 thoughts on “INFINITE 13egin: In-Depth Album Review – Time Difference

  1. Definitely my favourite song of the album. I like the more subdued instrumental, I think their vocals really shine in the song.


  2. I am disappointed to read that this will be the most Infinite-like song on the album, because I absolutely love this. It gives me a little bit of that wonderful, addictive melancholy (or emotional psycho-drama, as you call it) that Infinite delivers so well.
    I say a little bit because I agree that it feels..filtered, somehow. The emotion is there, but subdued and hazy, the voices drowned out by the louder production elements around them. Maybe that’s the point, but I just wanted for a voice to break free and belt through this misty synth-haze with some good old unrestrained Infinite drama.


  3. Even though it’s my favorite album track, I did think Time Difference felt a bit weak, but the performance they just did at the concert has won me over. Sungkyu (and to a lesser extent Woohyun) sounds WAY different in the live version. Sungkyu seems to be using his lighter, more delicate tone in the official audio, but he went for a deeper, more powerful, and more dramatic belt style for the concert. Woohyun also sounds a bit richer and stronger to my ear. Still wish Woohyun had extended his note at the climax, that was just begging for a long note to background against the others’ voices, but it’s more like a classic Infinite song live. (I’ll fully admit I also just like the choreo, it feels very Infinite)


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