
Song Review: XEED – Blue

XEED - BlueI missed XEED’s debut last December, but a slow day in K-pop draws my ear to their follow-up single Blue. I’m always game to support an underrated group from a small agency, and XEED definitely show promise.

Blue brings me back to K-pop’s “tropical” days, mixed with a few synthwave elements that have been popular over the past few years. It’s a satisfying track, spotlighting a series of expressive vocals that lend character to the music. Blue is quite straightforward, unfolding with an ease that makes it very comfortable to listen to. The song never stretches beyond this, but would make a nice — fairly innocuous — addition to any summer playlist.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

4 thoughts on “Song Review: XEED – Blue

  1. I loved their debut album and single, I definatly played it on repeat. I was curious how they’d regroup after a member left and was surprised they added 2 new members. One of them is from Target, which was another underrated group who recently disbanded.

    I liked the song, it’s nothing too crazy and again shows the guys’ voices. They’re another group who has singers who can sing.

    I also have a soft spot for this group because they’re “older” compared to other newer groups. I prefer to watch and listen to adults rather than toddlers. Ok..rant over.


  2. unrelated but because im bored im gonna highlight another bad song that i found on tv tropes’ so bad its horrible section, after previously highlighting that godawful “high on my own supply” song

    aside from the heavily monotonous and sing-song melodies and the AWFUL vocal performance, it sounds like propaganda out of a dystopian totalitarian society


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