
Song Review: CRAVITY – Cheese

CRAVITY - CheesePrior to the release of their new album this month, CRAVITY have shared the summery mid-tempo Cheese. That title conjures all sorts of… well… cheesy ideas in my mind, but the track itself is rather subdued. It’s certainly not among their strongest material, but the vibe is nice.

I’ll echo a frequent Bias List critique and say that Cheese would have benefited greatly from stronger melodies. Its bouncy, backyard-BBQ energy is fun and groovy. The guys sound great, and the laidback production gives them plenty of space to stretch. However, most of Cheese is crafted from the kind of sing-talk (or sometimes, sing-shout) that doesn’t really go anywhere. The chorus is frustratingly dull, opting for truncated vocal lines when we could have had a sunny melodic centerpiece. And the less said about the chanted bridge, the better…

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7

Grade: C

8 thoughts on “Song Review: CRAVITY – Cheese

  1. I’m so relieved that this is just a prerelease because I would hate for Cravity to break their recent streak of excellent title tracks. This reminds me of Boogie Woogie in that it’s pleasant enough but totally innocuous and unmemorable. Also, judging from the neighborhood they live next to Boy Next Door.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh wait this isn’t the title track? That’s good to know – nothing wrong with this song of course, it’s pleasant, but it lacks the additional factor that made Adrenaline and Party Rock standouts I feel; and even aside from the title tracks, some of their brighter b-sides have been stronger than this (I wish a song like Colorful or Fly got an MV!) But this is still a pleasant time for now.

    Also, a Dem Jointz remix of New Kids on the Block’s Dirty Dancing, featuring Seventeen’s Joshua, DK, and Dino, dropped all of a sudden today! This really came out of left field, and this specific group of collaborators feels very random. But I’m really enjoying this remix, it feels quite dynamic and high-energy which I like.


  3. I keep a rank of every Cravity song as someone who’s obsessed with their discography and this made it to 31/53. A bit disappointing when most of their 2023 material is top 20 and Fly’s No. 1.

    It’s cute and all but it doesn’t sound like Cravity to me. They’ve explored the same type of sound in songs like Go Go but idk Go Go is more comforting whilst Cheese is trying too hard to sound like that. Thank god it’s a pre release.

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  4. I’m glad this is just a pre-release, I enjoyed it but it’s definately “safe.” I like these kids and I’m glad their company has continued to keep them away from the NCT throw away songs. Although My Turn is my favorite title track from, with Adreline a close second.

    This song also gave me Seventeen’s “Snap shoot” vibe (not necessarily the same engery), I guess because they were both filmed in LA.


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