
Song Review: IMP. – IMP.

IMP. - IMP.Given Johnny’s & Associates’ recent implosion, I’m paying close attention to Hideaki Takizawa’s newly-established TOBE label, which is becoming a home to more and more ex-Johnny’s talents. I have my own take on the J&A controversy (mostly, I’m irritated that the agency’s talents seem to be the ones paying for their late founder’s crimes), but whatever your thoughts on the matter it’s going to be an interesting few years for the company.

IMP. used to go by the name IMPACTors, promoting as a Johnny’s Junior group before moving to TOBE. Their digital debut Cruisin’ has become one of my summer highlights — an irresistible slice of upbeat pop. Less than a month since its release, the guys are back with a edgier rock track. The self-titled IMP. is the kind of song I’d expected them to record, echoing past highlights like 2021’s Top Of The World.

By certain standards, IMP. is as tropey as songs come. We’ve heard this style of anime-esque idol rock track countless times before. However, I happen to love this particular template. It would take a real clunker to turn me against this dramatic sound. IMP. isn’t an enormous standout, but it’s a very solid example of the genre. It does some things I love (acapella chorus intro, hearty melodies with plenty of range, generous doses of electric guitar) and very little I don’t. It lacks the fun factor that made Cruisin’ so durable, but I’m enjoying the duality IMP. has shown thus far.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 9
 Bias 9

Grade: B

2 thoughts on “Song Review: IMP. – IMP.

  1. Well, at least it _sounds_ like Jpop from the first time the underlying beat starts. That frenetic style that is so characteristic of Jpop. For the theme, the topic, “The future is coming” is so old that it’s time has passed.


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