
Song Review: TOZ – Magic Hour

TOZ - Magic HourThe Boys Planet spin-off groups continue to spawn — this time, Japanese style! TOZ consists of trainees Anthonny, Hart, Yuto, and Takuto. During my recaps of the series, I made no bones about my soft spot for quirky Takuto. It became a bit of a running gag but was mostly serious. He’s got his own kind of charm!

Due to my familiarity with the members, I was hoping Magic Hour would wow me. After all, I’ll always appreciate a bright, upbeat pop concept. But although the song’s energy is great and the guys sell it well, the track is forgettable, K-pop-adjacent fluff.

Magic Hour‘s set-up is quite promising. I like the guitar riffs driving the verses and the performance has a sense of looseness that’s quite fun. However, the song is really let down by its chorus. The melody here falls flat, aiming for anthemic bombast but struggling to find a hook worthy of its shout-from-the-rafters ambition. The rest of the song skips along, occasionally mired in unnecessary half-time breakdowns. It lacks the punch or verve of the members themselves, making for a frustrating debut with peeks of potential.

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 7
 Bias 8

Grade: C

3 thoughts on “Song Review: TOZ – Magic Hour

  1. Like may other kpop/jpop songs these days, they feel so overwrought and overthought. Trying too hard. Too much formula. What happened to just making music. Surprise me.


  2. This is way too cutsey for me but I’m happy to see these guys again, especially Haruto who was one of my favorite contestants on Boys Planet.


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