
Song Review: Chanyeol (EXO) – Good Enough

Chanyeol - Good EnoughOver the years, it’s become clear that the members of EXO have different musical taste than I do. For a group who has released so many K-pop classics, I haven’t connected to hardly any of their solo work. So often, the music takes a subdued, coffeehouse vibe — whether that be in the form of a ballad or groovy midtempo.

Chanyeol’s Good Enough (그래도 돼) will work as EXO fanservice (especially its video!), but the song itself is quite dull. Like many of his solo tracks, it’s pleasant but muted — cool, but sort of aloof. The laidback beat is augmented by some ear-catching electronics, making me wonder how his work might sound if he experimented with a synth-based backdrop. That’s unlikely to happen, which suits Chanyeol fine. But for me, Good Enough is a case of “in one ear, out the other.” With an unlimited supply of music at my fingertips, it’s hard to find a space for something so reserved.

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7

Grade: C

5 thoughts on “Song Review: Chanyeol (EXO) – Good Enough

  1. Hey Nick long time lurker here lol. So I’ve always been curious, do you pretty much never listen to low/mid tempo songs like this outside of reviewing purposes? While I too tend to usually listen to more high energy tracks, there’s always times throughout the day I want to listen to something chill/relaxing as well like this song.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly, at this point I rarely do. With lower tempo tracks, I really need to be pulled in by a great melody or interesting production — two things that I rarely associate with “coffeehouse” type music. I just don’t listen to music as background.

      However, when a mid-tempo grabs me it *really* grabs me. I always go back to my all-time fav Janet Jackson and songs like That’s The Way Love Goes and Got ’til It’s Gone. Those have melodies and grooves for days.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I love Exo and actually Exo got me into K-pop but I have to admit this is kind of mellow. I listen to lots of different genre of music including R&B chilled kind of music but something is missing from this one.


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