
Song Review: ONE PACT – G.O.A.T

ONE PACT - G.O.A.TThe idea of a K-pop debut gets more muddled by the year, with pre-releases and pre-debut tracks quite common these days. G.O.A.T doesn’t even bill itself as a proper music video, though it’s the first full taste of upcoming group ONE PACT. These guys have a lot of goodwill behind them, with every member participating in this spring’s Boys Planet. And just last week, their main vocal Jay Chang debuted as a soloist.

Unfortunately, G.O.A.T is boilerplate boy group slop. “Greatest of all time” is quite a boast to open a career and requires dynamite music to back it up. This song shows promise as a performance piece, but its lack of a real chorus drags it down. Its verse unveils a compelling soundscape and energy, pulsing along resounding percussion and exciting build. It’s not remotely original, but its confidence is infectious.

Then, G.O.A.T collapses into a lame spoken-word hook. The instrumental loses drive as the guys tell us to ‘call them GOAT,” which sounds just as silly as it reads. It’s as if the producers lost interest in the song halfway through. This centerpiece feels mismatched and lazy where it should be commanding and memorable. Hopefully, their agency has stronger material in the vault when it comes time for ONE PACT’s official debut. At the very least, they deserve a concept that’s more than “stereotypical boy group dancing in dark parking garage.”

Hooks 6
 Production 8
 Longevity 7
 Bias 7

Grade: C-

22 thoughts on “Song Review: ONE PACT – G.O.A.T

  1. Well at least they keep up the tempo for all or most of the song, popping along.
    I heard “Call me gawd”. (beep beep beep boop boop boop) That’s all I got.


  2. “At the very least, they deserve a concept that’s more than “stereotypical boy group dancing in dark parking garage.”

    That’s a predebut performance video. The song is just there to show how the group performs, it’s not even in streaming platforms. To a performance-based song to introduce a group, it’s perfectly fine.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. the verses are decent to me but that chorus should’ve been scrapped. although it’s not the worst chorus I’ve heard. if this ends up being bad, at least I have Rockstar to listen to!


  4. I saw somewhere that they said they’re starting with their weakest material, so at least they’re self aware? That chorus is really unfortunate. This is not a lineup I would have predicted coming out of BP but I’m curious to see how they’ll utilize Jay’s vocals. Speaking of which, I’m really enjoying his solo album Late Night, especially the song Up to You (which is by the same composer who did Over Me).


  5. To me it sounds quite similar to Treasure’s debute track Boy (which was actually stronger either in the verses and the pre-chorus, but which caused the same “WTF?”-effect when the chorus dropped), that’s not a credit or an extenuating circumstance but just an eventual reference.
    Three years old, by the way.


  6. It’s slick, uplifting, exciting, and you’re led to anticipate something that’s even more energetic, but then that gawdawful chorus.


  7. Just a small correction, member TAG didn’t actually participate in Boys Planet, apparently he was slated to do so originally but ended up pulling out. The other four are from BP though!


    • Tag did appear in a few episodes of Boys Planet but wasn’t given any screentime. He was mostly in the background. You can search in Youtube for a compilation video of him in Boys Planet.


      • Oh, my apologies. Google said he pulled out early, which is true, but apparently he was in the first episodes. He just didn’t rank officially I think, because he left the show before the first episode even aired.


  8. I like it! Nothing sounds horribly offensive and the “call me GOAT” part is catchy/effective. It’s a performance song and they did great. Looking forward to their debut or comeback🙃


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