
Song Review: ITZY – Born To Be

ITZY - Born To BeITZY’s upcoming album promises a tsunami of music videos, which means you’ll be reading a lot about their music here. First up is the titular track Born To Be, which introduces a new era for the group. This is ITZY at their most powerful, unveiling a combative dance routine over a song that ticks off many modern K-pop tropes.

I’ve made no secret that this overall sound isn’t really for me. It seems that every K-pop group now requires this specific template — a bombastic, in-your-face manifesto of their own superiority. The thing is, by replicating this style over and over again, it’s lost its bite. What once may have felt commanding now feels predictable and flat. It takes a real gutsy performance to make these stand out — the kind of perfect imperfections that just aren’t allowed within the K-pop idol industry.

Fortunately, Born To Be is an above average take on this specific template. I like how streamlined it feels. Its robotic lurch stays consistent throughout and the girls finally get to sing (sing-talk?) in a more comfortable register. Its militant march is effective, but lacks the melodic range to truly stand out. Notably, this is ITZY’s first release without main vocal Lia, who is currently on hiatus. That probably explains the lack of challenging vocal moments, but I think this songwriting approach works in ITZY’s favor. As an introduction to their new era, Born To Be works just fine. It’s nowhere near their best, but I’m eager to see where they go from here.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7
 RATING 7.75

Grade: C+

28 thoughts on “Song Review: ITZY – Born To Be

  1. “the girls finally get to sing (sing-talk?) in a more comfortable register.” this is what I noticed as well. Yuna really surprised me here. I hope she sings like that from now on, even though I wasn’t really bothered by her singing in their previous comebacks!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m not all too crazy about it but it has me interested. Perhaps more conviction in their performance would have sealed the deal. At least their vocals do not sound strained at all! That’s a major success to me. Let’s see if the title track reaches the same heights as their earlier material.

    Side note: I haven’t been keeping up with ITZY but Lia’s presence is very much missed! She provides a great contrast as the softer and more feminine element to a strong and hard-hitting group. Her absence effectively proves it.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. fine but what i’m even more interested is Yuna and Chaeryoung’s solo. I’m looking forward to their solos mainly because they were co-produced by collapsedone!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Not bad…I don’t like this style much either, but they pull it off well. ITZY has so much talent, I’d love to see them get the best material and really take off. A few years back I was sure they’d be the next big thing…could still happen?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds cohesive and very different from the original sound. Does sound like a trend that is long dead with the background sounds. I am happy to see a deeper register. I would say still not that great, it’s a good idea, but the song is not for me.


  6. Oh I… like it. Their last album is very fun to listen to, but this feels like a more return to form for Itzy. Massive energy and hard-hitting choreo. But for a track like this I expect someone belting their head off at the end to truly drive the point home. Think PTT by Loona.


  7. I like it but it’s rather repetitive. I genuinely thought the girls would struggle with vocals since Lia wasn’t there but they did rather good. I hope their title track has this concept but is not as repetitive!


  8. It sounds like a KDA song but without a catchy chorus. I am still waiting for Itzy to do a title track like Weapon, it was really a great hard-hitting song with lots of high and low dynamics, very addictive beats too. I do like the performance-focused music video, feels very grand and militant.


  9. Instant reaction was cheering when its finally in a comfortable range. There’s something about this that reminds me of 4minute in the chorus and esp. with the 2:20 break dance, I was fully expecting Hyuna to rap at any moment. I’m not sold at the moment with the chorus, but a few listens It’ll probably stick. I like this kind of songs, from the get-go its obviously made for concerts, can’t wait to see this be their opening act for the world tour.


  10. I was expecting something strong to make up for the not so good title track previously. I do like the song but not as much as i expected. The chorus isn’t catchy, and there’s no bridge???. Visually the m/v was an 8 for me but it was of low efforts as well in my opinion.


  11. I am not the biggest ITZY lover, the tracks I do enjoy, I love very much but when I am not interested or dislike one of their songs, I can’t just listen to it again. That happened with their previous EP, so I didn’t have hopes for this one but this is the type of sound I am attracted the most lol, I guess I am a sucker for trends.

    One thing I will say though is that Lia’s absence is very noticeable. It’s in moment like these when you realise how much her vocals elevated the group’s songs. Not that this one needs to be elevated, cuz it already has that “anthem” feeling, but I do miss Lia’s vocals still.

    It sounds very promising so I’ll be listening to the album.


    • The “born to be” 2x lines in the chorus should be more catchy, it just downgrading the chorus. The melodic of “oh..” in the chorus is the only part that can be the wow factor


  12. I had to turn it off. From the cliché, braggadocio lyrics, to the anti-drop repetitive chorus of ‘born to be, born to be, born to be’ with no melody. I think I’ve lost hope that they’ll ever reach the highs of Dalla and Icy ever again.


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