
Song Review: Geenius – Voyage

Geenius - VoyageThe year is only a few days old, but we already have a new debut! The five-member Geenius hail from Sure Place Music & Creative, but had previous ties with the embattled Blockberry Creative. Their first digital single Voyage shows promise, even if its unfocused nature ultimately makes for a frustrating listen.

In my recent “K-pop resolutions” post, I longed for girl groups to pick up the melodic mantle left by groups like WJSN, Lovelyz and Kara. Parts of Voyage seem to emulate this sound, employing a spacey, synth-dripped approach over thumping dance beats. The first verse is especially promising, though it quickly devolves into sing-talk.

A slow pre-chorus blunts momentum before Voyage rights itself with a more bombastic chorus. The melodies don’t hit as hard as they should here and the arrangement feels a bit hesitant, but the song’s heart is in the right place. Unfortunately, the energy stalls too often throughout the track to deliver the emotional wallop I’d hope for. For now, Voyage plays like a teaser for stronger things to come. I appreciate many of the elements it’s playing with. They just need to be tightened and expanded upon in the future.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

5 thoughts on “Song Review: Geenius – Voyage

  1. Decent song. The kind of nugu-sound I like.

    What is going on with their mess of an MV though, lol. Seeing 4-5 concepts mashed together.


  2. I’m skimming the YouTube comments, which I know is a dangerous game, and a few of them are saying that the song is self-written and self-composed by the members, so if that’s true I do give them points for that. There are some classic girl group sounds going on and I do think it has potential. I agree with your ranking but am curious to see what future releases from them will be like based on this start.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m really charmed by this, honestly. I love the post-chorus and the instrumental. I hope this is a sound they stick with and continue to develop. Excited to see where they go from here!


  4. It’s been a while since I heard a girl group that had vocals I liked right away. They sound pretty polished for a newly debuted group. I doubt think the song stalls at all but the melodies do need to hit harder. There’s only one section of song talk and in such a small dose I find it charming


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