
Song Review: Waker – Atlantis

Waker - Atlantis2024 is already delivering several debuts, and boy group Waker is next on the docket. They pre-released Dash last month, which I really should have covered on the blog because it’s quite good. Now, they’ve turned the page with a softer sound on the anthemic Atlantis.

Songs with “Atlantis” in the title have a pretty darn good track record, with triumphs from SHINee, BoA and Laboum immediately coming to mind. It would be a tall order for Waker to live up to that legacy, but their Atlantis is an enjoyable — if slightly safe — debut. It has a sprightly energy and smooth delivery, delivering a dreamy pop soundscape. I’m enjoying this burgeoning trend of mixing guitar into punchy dance tracks. It gives an extra shot or emotion and atmosphere.

While Atlantis‘s melodies could use a tweak here and there (it misses landing one knockout punch), I’m heartened by how effusive the songwriting is. The verses have great drive and the producers were smart to position their post-chorus rap break as a rousing clap-along rather than energy-killing breakdown. I’m most concerned about the track’s chorus, which doesn’t quite achieve lift-off. The hook is there, but the instrumental pulls back when it should slam in with full force. However, a post-chorus refrain compensates for this lull and I feel like the song will play well in the long run. It’s a strong debut that firmly puts Waker on my radar.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 9
 Bias 9

Grade: B

6 thoughts on “Song Review: Waker – Atlantis

  1. Holy Crap! Who are these people?
    Dash is awesome. This song is solid too.

    Is this the new nugu pet group for the blog of the year? Yes, I am OK with it. I wish its more than us, so maybe we can start something. I mean, I was listener number 990-something on Atlantis. Not 990,000-something but 990-something.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. $2 and a dream with the money going to songs! I like their vocal sound. As a nugu bg champion (two early songs that floored me in my early kpoppie days were by Vanner and Argon), I am well-pleased.


      • Oh, definitely. Good lighting, imaginative camera angles and high energy performances work magic in a video and if you plan carefully, you can make a little money go far. I see this in the vein of Snuper making a wind farm seem magical. Which means good!


  3. I was pleasantly surprised enough by this song to look the group up…the oldest member was born in 1994(!). A bunch of the members have been in survival shows so maybe they should be considered second-chance nugus. Also, Atlantis by A.C.E is a pretty good Atlantis too.

    Liked by 1 person

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