
Song Review: Lee Chanhyuk (AKMU) – 1 Trillion

Lee Chanhyuk (AKMU) - 1 TrillionThe month of January has a reputation for being pretty dry when it comes to K-pop, right? This week has been anything but, and has certainly kept me on my toes when it comes to new releases. Next up is Lee Chanhyuk from AKMU, with his first solo single following his 2022 debut album. 1 Trillion (1조) feels like an extension of that work, tying classic pop melodies to a more idiosyncratic vision.

AKMU’s Love Lee was one of those massive hits I just never understood. I find the song pretty insipid, but that same quality has worked wonders on platforms like TikTok. 1 Trillion is unlikely to replicate Love Lee‘s success, and that’s not a bad thing. The song is a definite toe tapper, bounding along sprightly percussion and atmospheric synth that gives it a bit of a psychedelic sound. This is in keeping with Chanhyuk’s vocal, which always feels like it’s paired with a knowing smile and a wink.

1 Trillion is ultimately too reserved to cast major sparks, but its restraint is part of the charm. Rather than concern itself with a cavalcade of bells and whistles, the track anchors a sturdy melody to wistful production that feels both tasteful and timeless. Or rather, 1 Trillion feels out of time — a welcome capsule that might have been uncovered in any of the past five decades. Much of AKMU’s music shares this charm, making 1 Trillion emblematic of Chanhyuk’s artistic vision. Regardless of whether the song hits you or not, that can never be a bad thing.

Hooks 9
 Production 8
 Longevity 9
 Bias 8

Grade: B

3 thoughts on “Song Review: Lee Chanhyuk (AKMU) – 1 Trillion

  1. It really is a timeless pop song. I think the appeal in Korea, just a conjecture here, is that the more broader K public enjoy his songwriting because it is timeless and meaningful too. (Note that the song is almost all Korean except for the occasional turn around phrase.) The same way certain songs in my formative pop years (the 80’s) continue to resonate today – I could list a few dozen.

    It is a clever songcraft trick to write a song about nostalgia for hope in the present day, because even when the present day passes, the nostalgia and hope remain.

    The lyrics even translated in English still flow beautiful with a wistful meaning and great story telling. (link below)

    I would give the song about the same rating. I bet to Korean speakers it ranks far higher because certain phrases hit them easier and harder, combined with the great lyrics delivered with easy going sing along music.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Unfortunately this sounds just like “Happening” lol. And I love that song, but this is very much just “Happening” (Chanhyuk solo ver.)


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