
Song Review: Niel (Teen Top) – Parting Path

Niel - Say GoodbyeWhether working with Teen Top or on his own, Niel’s voice instantly conjures nostalgia. It’s very recognizable and rich with character. And on new single Parting Path (이별하러 가는 길), it’s quite versatile as well. The song is largely mid-tempo, but with an energy that builds and changes as it reaches its finale.

I’m sure I have a reputation for disliking slower or mid-tempo tracks, and that’s not entirely untrue. But regardless of tempo and energy, a good melody elevates any song. Parting Path‘s central tune is strong, ably absorbing each twist and turn as Niel riffs through the melody. The instrumental follows suit, adding a variety of layers as the song grows. Brass and guitar make great additions, adding new rhythms and textures that keep Parting Path engaging throughout.

I’m not sure who the guest rapper is, but their gruff, deeper-toned vocal adds another spike of interest. Even better is Parting Path‘s rousing finale, which sees the arrangement take a more grandiose turn that highlights the emotion of the track. Under less adventurous hands, the whole thing could have easily devolved into hazy, understated coffeehouse fare. However, Niel pulls off a nice trick by making Parting Path more nuanced and compelling than many songs which are ten times louder.

Hooks 8
 Production 9
 Longevity 9
 Bias 8

Grade: B

3 thoughts on “Song Review: Niel (Teen Top) – Parting Path

  1. It’s a good song, but not 8.5 good.

    To me this sounds like a classic 2nd gen bside a la Super Junior in the early 2010’s. They had full 8-10 song albums back then, so every album had 2 or 3 of these, eg this one “Bittersweet” which I picked at almost random.

    Now, I happen to be someone who likes this kinds of stuff and can listne to it all day, but it is a “small ell like”. Perhaps high 7’s or flat 8.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I laughed when I saw this…I don’t know if I’m the only person who can say this, but Bittersweet is my most played SuJu bside by a lot. It’s my go- to heartbreak anthem!

      Liked by 1 person

      • My favorite b-side is “Dorothy” by KRY, followed very closely by “Sarang (Heart)” by Leeteuk + Heechul. The latter shows how deep the vocal lines go in SuJu. Leeteuk could be lead vocal in other groups, and Heechul shows off his velvety baritone sotto voce rap. Also, sung harmonies.


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