
Song Review: CIX – Lovers Or Enemies

CIX - Lovers Or EnemiesWhen we last saw CIX, they were mired in an angsty music video with surprisingly dark subject matter. Save Me, Kill Me‘s sound was a far cry from my favorite CIX track: 2021’s jubilant Cinema. New single Lovers Or Enemies splits the difference, melding edgier ideas to a funky synth palette.

Though the song is quite different in execution, Loves Or Enemies‘ melodic construction and harmonic flourishes remind me a bit of RIIZE’s Get A Guitar. I wonder if we’re going to hear more throwback funk melodies like this in K-pop? This song is at its best when fully embracing the genre. Its chorus offers a few catchy turns, especially when the guys’ vocals come together for a soulful post-chorus hook. The rest of the track isn’t quite as tight as I’d like and could do with an extra jolt of energy at times, but the overall tone is very enjoyable.

I’m curious how Lovers Or Enemies will fare in the long run. When it comes to the repetition of its main hooks, it’s kind of a one-trick pony. But that trick is quite addicting. For now, I’m just happy to see CIX embrace a slightly brighter tone. Their vocals really suit this material.

Hooks 9
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8
 RATING 8.25

Grade: B

7 thoughts on “Song Review: CIX – Lovers Or Enemies

  1. I like this and find it melodically pleasant but it feels very subdued for a title track…in a way I understand why the most bombastic songs on an album end up being the title track even though they are terrible to listen to on their own. This one sounds like it would make great background music to a montage of two characters falling in love halfway through a movie.


  2. My only complaint about this song is how short it is, why is it rare to see 3+ min songs now a days. Epex’s full metal jacket was slightly below 3 mins and now this one is at 2:48. I just want to enjoy a somewhat long song rather than coming and going, I hope Kpop stops this trend of shorter songs and gives their songs actual bridges

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, there might only be a hope to see that trend leave, but these days people even started talking about how the younger generation generally has such a short attention span that they practically can’t consume a song that is too long or not catchy enough. And to make it catchy enough producers started to remove certain portions of songs and putting the choruses in the front so the hook starts as early as possible…


  3. It was only a matter of time until the ‘enemies to lovers’ trend made it into a song title.

    For how regretfully short this is, it sure takes a while to get going. Once it gets there, though, think the chorus is great. The minimalistic sound is actually really enjoyable here, I love the little instrumental flourishes. Most importantly, it doesn’ t lose momentum – that beat keeps slamming down insistently.

    Don’ t know how often I’ ll listen to this but I really appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is an example of a song under 3 min that doesn’t feel satisfying. The chorus is pleasing but unlike Save Me Kill Me this doesn’t go anywhere as it doesn’t have the length to do so. The teaser vids were better than the actual release ngl


  5. Could’ve potentially been one of their best ever title tracks but yeah it just ends too soon and too abruptly! But of course they sell the hell out of it anyway so it still lands quite solidly for me—just too bad since the ingredients were all there for something incredible.


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