
Song Review: The Wind – Sirius Pt.2

The Wind - Sirius Pt.2Fun K-pop stuff tends to happen on my birthday. I share the day with my all-time favorite K-pop song The Chaser, as it was released exactly twelve years ago. Then last year, rookie group The Wind made their debut on May 15th. I still question why I didn’t feature any of the b-sides from that debut album as buried treasures. Opening track Sirius deserved special attention, so I’m glad they’re honoring it with a “part two” single on their anniversary.

Though not the same song, Sirius Pt.2 (빛을 담아 너에게 줄게) is very much a continuation of the original’s soaring, anthemic sound. Of course, the group is down a main vocal and you can really hear that on material like this. As much as I love The Wind (and I do!), I kind of wish their agency would audition some big power vocalists to join as an additional member. Their sound really calls for that kind of performer.

Still, it’s been fun to watch oldest member Heesoo step up as both leader and main vocalist. He rattles off a satisfying power note at Sirius Pt.2‘s climax, adding aplomb to the higher-pitched, reedy tone that characterizes much of the track. Meanwhile, the production chugs along with bright bombast, including some delicious electric guitar towards the end. It was created by dream team KZ, DINT and Nthonius, and these guys know exactly what us fans want.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 9
 Bias 9

Grade: B

7 thoughts on “Song Review: The Wind – Sirius Pt.2

  1. happy birthday nick, hope we enjoy constant loops of the chaser together!

    (as well as its cupcakke remix i made)


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