
Song Review: Sunmi – Balloon In Love

Sunmi - Balloon In LoveFor a time between 2017 and 2021, Sunmi delivered at least one mega-banger a year, cementing herself as one of K-pop’s most consistent soloists. The past two years have been less compelling, with 2022’s Heart Burn and 2023’s Stranger feeling like lesser versions of superior Sunmi tracks. New single Balloon In Love marks a sonic shift, offering a sentimental summer sound.

Sunmi has often cited rock acts as inspiration, and Balloon In Love is closely aligned with this genre. It’s more indie rock than glossy K-pop, and this style suits her well. She has one of the most recognizable voices in the industry, more than capable of drawing attention all on its own. Balloon In Love seems to know this, placing her performance front and center over unobtrusive production. The arrangement is wistful, light, and a little sleepy — carried by emotion and mood.

My main gripe is that the song feels too hazy and subdued for its own good. I’m not saying Sunmi should go full on punk rocker, but Balloon In Love could do with an extra instrumental hallmark or melodic peak to make it really stand out. It’s pleasant and effective all the way through, but the overall sound should shimmer or sparkle more than it does.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

4 thoughts on “Song Review: Sunmi – Balloon In Love

  1. I liked Heart Burn even though it was very subdued, the song structure and melody were awesome.

    Balloon in Love doesn’t sound like one of her strongest works, though it’s pleasant to listen to. I hope her music improves.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. heartburn was subdued but the melodies did their job. I feel like this song needed an additional hook: something I can sing along to when I’m feeling emotional


  3. A bit subdued but certainly a grower.

    Heartburn was a soty contender for me, and while this won’t be that I still consider it a fairly strong release.


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