
Song Review: Hwi Young (SF9) – It Is Love ♥

Hwi Young - It Is LoveK-pop is unique in the way idol performers can establish a solo career while still actively promoting with their group. But I often wonder what necessitates a soloist. Of course, fans are eager to see their bias develop their artistry outside the confines of traditional comebacks, but not every performer is equally predisposed to a successful solo career. I’m not familiar enough with SF9 to know if Hwi Young is one of those performers, but new single It Is Love doesn’t fill me with a ton of excitement.

To be fair, this doesn’t strike me as a song designed to throw down the solo gauntlet. It’s a simple summer bop, lighthearted and lightweight. It works as a pleasant balm in between more bombastic moments on a playlist, like a waft of cool air on a hot summer day. There’s a gentle moodiness to the production and melody that works well. Hwi Young’s soft tone compliments this energy, more conversational than virtuosic. And, the song delivers just enough bounce to avoid boredom. It’s a very sweet track, though not much more than that.

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7

Grade: C

6 thoughts on “Song Review: Hwi Young (SF9) – It Is Love ♥

  1. what you wrote about having this kind of gentle songs in playlists to have a break between more powerful songs is so spot on… i sometimes do that to avoid getting a headache…
    i have a question, are these solo projects part of SF9 albums?
    or are they just available on their youtube channel?
    I wonder what is the purpose of these solo projects for FNC … is it to give Hwi Young more exposure? I mean just checking the credits of the music video fo this song, it cannot be cheap! I know this is off topic but still as you said, solo projects within groups is something very unique to kpop and I wonder what is the purpose from an industry pov. Another thing that is quite unique is how idols like Hwi Young are not just “used” as part of a group but also work as actors, MCs on TV and radio, youtubers, brand ambassadors, … everything at the same time within the realms of their companies. Examples are SF9 for FNC, THE BOYZ for IST, well there are many. It would be interesting to know how this things work.


    • I’m not familiar enough with SF9 to know if Hwi Young is one of those performers

      About the review itself, I think it would have helped if you knew Hwiyoung’s background.

      Are these solo projects part of SF9 albums? This one isn’t, Hwiyoung released his single album Traveling Fish today. I would encourage to listen to all three songs. My personal favorite is Drive5.

      I wonder what is the purpose of these solo projects for FNC … is it to give Hwi Young more exposure?

      I don’t know about FNC’s motive, but fans are the reason HY is releasing these songs. He’s had a Soundcloud for over 4 years with many songs that will likely never get released. Selling a lot isn’t his goal. If you want to know more, this is a translated interview that was originally on Naver:

      His Soundcloud:

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes I know Drive5 and Happy Birthday and I know Hwiyoung´s motifs, at least the official ones, but I was wondering about the strategy of FNCs (or any company really) behind these solo tracks from their artists that have such limited releases, but they are still expensive. There has to be a reason why they decide to shoot a video, or why Hwiyoung was promoting Happy Birthday in N.Flying´s concert, which is also under FNC. Or why Hwiyoung was given a part in the Matchmakers, which was a FNC production with Rowoon, also under FNC, now as an actor. There seems to be some naive mindset that all of these decisions are improvised acts of generosity for the fans, but all of these are scheduled actions decided in company meetings. SF9 members receive monthly salaries from FNC to create content for them, they are under contract, so its clear to me why they write music, perform, dance, act and entertain… it is their job. What I sometimes do not understand is how FNC (a quite big company by the way) profits from some of the content that has such a limited reach. All of this is not me insulting Hwiyoung by any means. Actually the opposite. I find fandoms quite patronising with idols thinking they are dumb kids with talents playing at being in a music band because they love their fans (seriously?). To me kpop idols and their teams are respectable professionals trying to make a living in a very tough industry creating art and getting salaries for that. I am curious about the real marketing strategies behind every release than the official “it is for the fans” explanation.


        • Sometimes record companies and agencies do things because they feel like it and there is no pre-planning or motive to it. It’s more rare in K-pop, but it happens.


  2. Part oof FNC’s strategy here Hwiyoung discussed in a recent interview. Due to the success of SoundCloud fans have been asking him for years to release an album. They started slowly by releasing a couple official singles. When those were doing well they decided to try for a small singles album. This is all to see if solo records from the guys will work. If this works, they know others in the group can do this as well. That’s one reason he’s really nervous about this release.

    Aboutthe ssong itself, he was going for a more chill love song. The other 2 tracks on his album are Drive5 which occurs around breaking up, and HBD which is about longing for the one you’ve broken up with. So for THIS IS L0VE is wanted to do the falling in love part of the relationship. It’s supposed to be light and airy. It’s simple and makes you want to dance in the streets.


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