
Song Review: CRAXY – STUPIDZ

CRAXY - STUPIDZGather round, friends. I would like to recite a poem. The deep meaning behind these words may resonate with you in unexpected ways, so don’t be surprised if your eyes suddenly start to well up. There are tissues in the back of the room if you need them.

(clears throat, adopts the poise and phrasing of Maya Angelou)

Stupid Pid Pid Pid.
Stupid Pid pi pi Pid.
We’re Dumb di di Dumb di di Dumb.
Get outta my way!
Bang Bang!
Cause it’s all mine!
Tang Tang!

(wipes tear from eye, takes a hearty bow)

No, you’re not reading the work of this year’s poet laureate. This is the centerpiece of CRAXY’s new (appropriately titled) single STUPIDZ. I enjoy a big dumb pop song as much as anyone, but there are limits to what I can take without a killer melody or production to back it up. I dig STUPIDZ‘s 90’s hip-hop synth and unyielding energy, but most of this is a ton of ridiculous bark without the bite to back it up.

It earns extra points for its sheer absurdity.

Hooks 6
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7
 RATING 7.25

Grade: C

18 thoughts on “Song Review: CRAXY – STUPIDZ

    • Craxy can actually sell the shit out of a shitty song. Especially the leader – I don’t know her name, but she has charisma and stage presence in spades. The song itself, its just a hot mess, for me.


      • I think Wooah (blonde) is their leader. I agree they have good charisma, but karin (orange) is my number one pick in that aspect. I feel like I’m in the minority in liking this song


  1. lol….funny comment, but not sure about the lyrics, but i am a fan of Craxy and i like the song more than i don’t like it….love their energy….love the fact that it looks like their company gave them a nice-production video….i especially like the location shots….very nice….


  2. Yeah the lyrics don’t strike me as that bad. I don’t have to a visceral reaction to it. The melody is definitely lacking though, I would’ve (at most) used the hook as a post chorus. It’s a shame cause pretty much everything surrounding it works well for me.

    Most of the video is fine. I still don’t think a whole getup needs to be adorned because you want to do an old hip hop sound, but I digress. I just want to say I found the final dance scene quite impactful, it reminded me of something I just can’t remember what.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay, sassy-sarcastic Nick’s back! ;D

    Anyhoo, I like the boom bap sound here, quite Young Posse-esque, but the hook’s kinda… stupid…z. 😭 Stupid in both good and bad ig, idk 😭😭

    Rating’s perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

    • i find it a bit disheartening that it reminds you of young posse rather than an artist who was around when the sound was popular


      • I’m sorry 😭 I didn’t grow up listening to boom bap if I’m being honest (mainly pop, especially K-Pop since I was 11), so I’m still unfamilar with that genre, so Young Posse was what came into my mind when I heard this 🥲


  4. Idk, I feel following up a whole chorus about being dumb and stupid with “we make the rules” is a pretty apt social commentary. Brilliant, even!

    Still better than Young, Dumb, Stupid, at least!


  5. Funny how yesterday Ref Velvet was being discussed, as I just remembered how well the Dumb Dumb lyrics in the chorus work. There’s definitely a fine line to walk when using silly and gimmicky lyrics.

    Unrelated to the review, but I was wondering if you are going to review Key’s Japanese single ‘Tongue Tied’ (idk if it’ll have an MV though). I definitely recommend checking the b-side ‘Fresh’ since I think it’s more your style


  6. Funny thing is, the chorus with the accented pronunciation is a homophone for “you bitch bitch bitch bitch” which is just as stu pid pid pid pid.

    To me, it sounds like a G-idle song that is either loved or loathed. For me, today, I am just going to scroll on by. … moving on.


    • I feel like after Aria craxy has stayed in a sonic realm similar to that of g idle. But this isn’t even a sound you hear from g idle a bunch, it just uh oh


  7. It was fine? Not my thing but not horrible.

    This is the first song of theirs I’ve listened to, mostly because their name is Stupid Pid pi pi Pid and Dumb di di Dumb di di Dumb


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