
Song Review: FTIsland – Burn It

FTIsland - Burn ItSeventeen years since their debut, FTIsland are set to release a new album next month. Now a trio, the guys have become one of K-pop’s longest running acts, and pre-release Burn It proves they still have plenty of gas left in the tank.

As far as I can tell, this song comes as a surprise. I definitely wasn’t expecting any new music until July. But as a kickoff to promotions, Burn It‘s intense sound delivers a satisfying battle cry. The song vacillates between softer — though menacing — verses and a powerful, cathartic chorus. This push and pull compliments both segments, offering plenty of drama. Frontman Lee Honggi sounds great, though that’s no big surprise. He boasts one of K-pop’s most recognizable voices and he’s able to explore multiple facets of his vocal character throughout this track.

Burn It is short and sweet, running under three minutes without any fat to trim. I’m most impressed by its pounding, anthemic hook, which feels like a call to arms. It’s always nice to hear a K-pop veteran return and show their juniors how it’s done.

Hooks 8
 Production 9
 Longevity 9
 Bias 8

Grade: B

3 thoughts on “Song Review: FTIsland – Burn It

  1. That short runtime is its one flaw. C’mon, no more of this ❤ minute silliness!

    But they sound great and I’m happy to finally have a new Korean album that’s also going back to their peak sound.


  2. ooo the drama! I don’t know if I like the song or if I just like the front man’s power-house of a voice. That chorus makes me want to stand up and DO something by golly.


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