
Song Review: Blitzers – Superpower

Blitzers - SuperpowerBlitzers’ quirky Macarena won them fans in 2023, harnessing a goofy, freewheeling energy while still working within established boy group tropes. Superpower seems intent on replicating that success, fusing a catchy brass loop to the rambunctious sing-talk we hear from many of their peers.

Superpower is indeed fun, but I don’t think the song itself is all that strong. Apart from the brassy centerpiece, much of the track goes in one ear and out the other. I like its hearty post-chorus, even if the melodies could stand to be developed further. The verses — and especially the pre-chorus — are another matter. There’s a lot happening here, yet none of it is memorable enough to stick. Strip away the colorful production and you’re essentially left with a couple guys shouting at each other.

Fortunately, the song’s upbeat energy carries things over the line. If nothing else, the beat will get your head nodding. It’s hard to actively dislike a song this cheerful, but there are many similarly-pitched tracks I’d prefer to listen to.

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8
 RATING 7.75

Grade: C+

6 thoughts on “Song Review: Blitzers – Superpower

  1. It’s quirky, though not Macarena kind of quirky. But it’s a pleasant, quirky bop. If they just developed the second part of the chorus further, I’d enjoy it a lot more. Rating’s the same.


  2. I think it’s just a touch too slow. Bumping it up to 1.05 speed on YouTube helps. Nice that they filmed the video in London and kept the continuity with their time on Britain’s Got Talent.


  3. I Like it with a big eLl. Goofy, doesn’t over think it. Not the best example of this style, but its a good one for summer.


  4. They make me believe they are having fun…it makes me smile and lifts my mood. Macarena was one of my favorite songs last year and even though Super Power is not as impactful, it still has the K-pop elements I love 8.5/10


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