
Song Review: Twice – Doughnut

Twice - Doughnut“Doughnut” is an odd title for a pop track – -especially a ballad. Apart from the fact that I prefer the spelling “donut” (because it somehow sounds slightly healthier), the metaphor itself is strange. Twice play with the idea of a doughnut hole referring to emptiness (my mind races toward the delicious spherical treat instead) and the overall shape being a continual loop (a continual loop of deliciousness!). Maybe I’m just sugar-deprived.

Either way, Doughnut is one of those bland holiday ballads, the likes of which we heard from Seventeen just a few days ago. Japan seems to be an easy target for this style, and Twice deliver it as well as anyone. Similar to their newest Korean album, it’s nice to hear the members’ voices in this setting (last month’s Cactus was great). Unfortunately, Doughnut has no teeth. (Weird mental image…) It wafts through with little impact, despite some moments of climax that allow for great power notes.

The norms of the J-pop industry afford songs a longer running time than most modern music markets, and Doughnut uses this extra minute to its advantage. The track’s most interesting element waits until the finale to reveal itself. The vocal melody fades out and rhythmic synth gives the outro real swing. This instrumental would have made a much more dynamic backdrop for the song, bringing punch to a rather sleepy affair. In fact, Doughnut often feels like it wants to veer into city pop territory. I’m not sure that would have been effective, but at least it would be a bit of a risk. Instead, this is glazed old-fashioned all the way through.

 Hooks 7
 Production 7
 Longevity 7
 Bias 7

18 thoughts on “Song Review: Twice – Doughnut

  1. I actually loved this a whole lot more than I expected when I heard the teasers. Maybe it’s because I’m a ONCE? But I’m not one of those fans that loves ALL songs and I don’t stan in advance. An artist has to convince me with quality music.

    I just think this is a beautiful ballad. I love their vocals – pay attention to their delicat background vocals next to the main vocals – and the song doesn’t feel dull at all, as I feared. It has me hooked right from the start. The highlight for me is their gorgeous harmonization. I also love all the instrumentals/music (how do I call this?) they used for the track. And for a calm ballad it is, they did something really unusual in the final, the instrumentals feel quite special and again their vocals are gorgeous. Wow, this makes me really happy. I do agree with you they maybe could have used something else for this theme instead of doughnut. But songwise I’m really impressed. TWICE’s discography is quite brilliant. I’m having the song on repeat while writing this comment and it actually gives me shivers. I feel real soul in their vocals.

    Compared to for example Lisa’s song (which has a higher rating) I feel this means far more musically.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Owh, maybe it also helps I am a retro fan? Besides K-pop (I’m a 26 year old Dutch guy) I love 60-90’s music, especially soul and R&B. As far as K-pop is concerned I’m much more into the cute/bubblegum side of it than the artists that adapt more of a western style.

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    • Don’t be surprised with the score because every beautiful song especially ballad or mellow song always get low score in here. But i personally prefer every song who get low score than who get high score in here

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  2. I know the song was supposed to be sentimental but I just couldn’t help laughing at “I need thee” LMAO

    Yeah, this type of ballad is not my thing, sorry Twice. I also prefer the spelling “donut”, it just looks more aesthetically pleasing haha

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have to disagree. I mean, this is not THE SONG that’s going to define all of Twice’s career. It’s meant to be a nice Christmas song and it excels exactly at that. Also, there’s so many interesting choices here. The first part of the chorus could be better, but I think 7 is a little to low.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When the “I need thee” dropped,I just burst out laughing. I got ridiculous Japanese and English lyrics in one song, Mina crying by a smushed donut (don’t waste the jelly like that!, and lots of fuafua. Oh, and if you play it through on 2x fast, it sounds like an early 90s infomercial.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. what I really like this, a lot more than svt’s wintery comeback. the chorus is memorable (though the doughnut metaphor really gives me ‘our love is like a candle’ vibes….) the vocals are really pleasant too. I think it’s just as good as scientist, if not better.


  6. It’s cute, but when you’ve got slightly mediocre pop R&B like that, you have to emote a little more or it’s too samey. You have put vocal textures to spice up the songwriting.

    My husband and I giggled through all the donut imagery in the video. I told him that this song is as much about donuts as Peaches is about actual peaches. He goes “Peaches? That song is going to be sexy even without me hearing a word.”


  7. I liked this song – I dont know how they made “just like a doughnut” sound emotional lol, but they did it! I love the outfits in the MV as well. As for if I’ll play it this December? I don’t know, guess we’ll see. I have a feeling I won’t be playing it anywhere near as often as Merry & Happy though, one of my favorite Christmas songs in general, or even The Best Thing I Ever Did.


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