
Song Review: Doh Kyung Soo (EXO’s D.O.) – Popcorn

Doh Kyung Soo - PopcornAfter leaving SM Entertainment, EXO’s D.O. has reverted to his given name for his new album, set for release next month. Before that, we have pre-release Popcorn — an uncharacteristically cutesy bit of pop fluff. I tend to tie Kyung Soo’s solo music to the coffeehouse, and Popcorn still fits comfortably into that setting. However, it has more pep in its step.

It’s tricky to write about music like this because I just don’t have much to say. The song is designed in that way, meant to easily wash over listeners like a pleasant balm. It achieves that goal, mostly due to Kyung Soo’s effortlessly smooth voice. He takes total command of this simple toe-tapping pop track and the producers were smart to put his vocal right at the forefront of the arrangement. It’s both calming and engaging, which can be a difficult balance to strike.

The song itself is more enjoyable than its muted energy suggests. It’s easy-listening and for some reason this vibe reminds me of the 80’s classic Don’t Worry, Be Happy. Popcorn isn’t nearly as gimmicky (or irritating), but its repetitive sing-song nature has a similar single-mindedness. I’d love to hear Kyung Soo go even more upbeat in the future. That may provide a lane for dynamic songwriting and a more interesting use of his voice.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

4 thoughts on “Song Review: Doh Kyung Soo (EXO’s D.O.) – Popcorn

  1. I actually like this song; it’s really cute and bright. I would love to see him tackle upbeat pop music more often; I could imagine these types of songs utilizing his vocal runs and big vocal moments really well.

    Speaking of D.O. (Doh Kyung Soo), I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on his b-side “Lost” from his album last year. I think it treads in a similar genre as “Popcorn”, only darker and a bit more dramatic.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This guy could sing the phonebook and I would be listening with rapt attention. Love his voice. But I also really like this song, which makes me even happier that we have some new music from him. Super nice melodies, and it goes down easy. Plus it’s fun! Happily adding it to my springtime music collection.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more romantic kpop song?? Like this is the stuff you dance to at weddings or plays at the end of a happy kdrama. I don’t even stan this guy but this is an instant classic for me.


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