
Song Review: BXB – Planet

BXB - PlanetRookie boy group BXB impressed earlier this year with the emotive drama of Fly Away. As they set to embark on their first official comeback, one would hope they’d build upon the strengths of that debut to craft something even bigger and better. Unfortunately, Planet cribs from Fly Away‘s most sluggish instincts, resulting a well-performed but dull follow-up.

Rather than build to the explosive chorus of its predecessor, Planet stays pleasantly plodding all the way through. Its verses are its strongest asset, offering the kind of boy group crooning that never grows old. The chorus is also quite pretty, but feels like late-album b-side material.

Oh well, maybe they’ll return with something more ambitious next time.

Hooks 8
 Production 7
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7

Grade: C

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