
Song Review: TXT – Back For More (with Anitta)

TXT - Back For More (with Anitta)As global K-pop collaborations become more frequent, the pairing of talents matters more and more. Which artists can compliment each other and tease out new dynamics? When it comes to TXT, I found their pairing with Jonas Brothers quite cloying. In that case, the song highlighted a milquetoast, kid’s movie soundtrack vibe that some of TXT’s lighter material already threatens to embrace. Brazilian artist Anitta makes for a much cooler collaborator, even if it feels like her verse is miles away from what TXT are doing on the track.

Back For More is a pre-release for TXT’s upcoming October album and sees them embrace a funk pop style with occasional nods to Michael Jackson. Some of their best material has played within this musical sandbox, so the sound feels authentic. The song is streamlined and polished to a fine sheen that eliminates most of the idiosyncrasies that make great pop music, but it’s executed which such flair that I find myself won over in spite of these reservations.

Skip the two minute single version and head directly to the “performance version,” which is featured in the music video. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on the best part of the track. After the 2:10 minute mark, Back For More lets loose and delivers the crackling energy it should have been aiming for all the way through. The chorus leans dangerously close to an anti-drop for my taste, and without this dynamic conclusion Back For More may have become too threadbare for its own good.

Anitta delivers a fun second verse, but her part feels a little shoehorned in. If we’re going to have these cool cross-cultural team-ups, it would be nice to hear the artists interact with some well-placed back and forths. A few lines sung in unison doesn’t quite cut it. Still, there’s much to enjoy in Back For More‘s performance-focused flair. TXT are clearly having a blast and bring a sense of conviction that sells the track’s more generic leanings. As far as English-language crossover efforts go, this is definitely one of the better ones.

Hooks 8
 Production 9
 Longevity 9
 Bias 9
 RATING 8.75

Grade: B+

15 thoughts on “Song Review: TXT – Back For More (with Anitta)

  1. with this release getting its performance version audio in it, how I wish Blue Hour released its own “performance version” audio as well.
    also, what examples of kpop collabs would you say has these well-placed back and forths? something like Bambam’s Who Are You, something like BTS’ Boy with Luv (the streaming version)?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kpop/Western collaborations I’ve enjoyed?

    None/Zero/Nada…I get why they do them but I don’t get the final product.

    As for the guys, I’ve always perceived some sort of awkwardness from TXT. I don’t see it here though. I got the impression they had fun and were comfortable with this style. They seemed mature.

    I don’t know who is Annitta (if I’m honest I don’t care). Her part is ok I guess, except for a cringe moment with “la que mueve el culo”. Why?!?! Does it add anything to the song? Do I care? Do I want to listen to that every time I play it? Not really. Whatever!🙄

    If they release a solo version, I’ll probably add it to my playlist because the song is actually good.


    • Lucky for you! They did release a TXT ver. and I do prefer it a lot more over the collab version. I also share the same sentiment with you that they took a kpop group, made an english song then decided to add spanish? It stuck it too much for me to enjoy.


      • Ha! Already added it.

        It’s not so much the language. It’s the lyrics. The problem? I understand them and they are non-sense. The same nonsense every other latin artist of this genre is doing. Blagh!

        I would actually love Anitta’s part in this song if I didn’t understand the lyrics.
        (To be honest, I don’t think I’d listen to K-Pop if I understood Korean).🤷🏻‍♀️

        It’s the classic tale of “ignorance is bliss”.


  3. Its a solid pop song, catchy. Old fashioned, in that the chorus is a proper chorus that repeats the catch phrase. I can hum it after one listen. But is it a tad oversold? Too smooth without any edges? Not dangerous enough?
    I don’t know how I feel about seeing move after move of MJ’s moves all right in a row. Half no, half yes, half short hand for trying too hard, half homage that is move after move like a highlight reel.


  4. I really like this one, then again I am a big fan of Tedder’s writing. Yeah, it doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but I’ll take a good (albeit cliche) melodic chorus any time over some gimmick chorus that make me cringe in pain 🙂


  5. I’ve read this blog for a while now. As a MOA (bias Huening Kai), I wanted to like this and it’s not bad. ‘I see you coming back for more, coming back for more, coming back for more’ is repeated 3 times in that chorus line, which is then repeated each time in the intro and chorus . It becomes repetitive and grating. In this way, it’s reminiscent of their collaboration with the Jonas Brothers because of this. (Obviously, with the international collaboration push Big Hit is trying to stand them in for BTS.) The performance version is the best, in part because the breakdown musically breaks down this chorus music. It also reminds one of their Jonas Brothers collaboration because the featuring international artist seems to have no interplay and no chemistry with TXT, to make no effort to even attempt Kpop expectations (such as choreo), and leaves us doubting whether the two artists ever actually met in person or whether it was all done via spliced music files by a producer.


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