
Song Review: YOUNITE – Love It

Younite - Love ItYOUNITE have struggled to match the pure funk of their pre-debut single, pinballing between genres to no avail. They’ve settled on this light, airy pop sound that’s quite innocuous, and new track Love It (정했어) perfectly illustrates the limitations of this style.

In short, writing about Love It is like reviewing air. Every time I reach out my hand to grab hold of something, the track evaporates between my fingers. Apart from an exciting bridge, Love It‘s melodies and production are so ephemeral they might as well not exist in the first place. They somehow come together to craft a pleasant little bop, but one that’s almost impossible to remember moments after playing it. On the plus side, some of the melodies remind me of classic Brave Brothers and this summons a tinge of welcome nostalgia.

Hooks 7
 Production 7
 Longevity 7
 Bias 7

Grade: C-

3 thoughts on “Song Review: YOUNITE – Love It

  1. This is another one of those ‘vibe’ ‘pleasant’ ‘chill’ tracks.

    (also – I am genuinely excited for Seventeen’s comeback next week. Feels like that should’ve been an August release based on the concept, but it is one of their first teasers in a long time that has really grabbed my attention.)


  2. I like this one, I havent been the biggest fan of their music but I loved Waterfall. This song reminds me of something I would have heard in the 90’s, kind of like miami bass. It also reminded me of My Boo by Ghost Town DJs which I loved growing up.

    This mini album is also pretty decent. I’m still salty that Brand New Music disbanded (?) BDC, I hope they find a lable that will apprecite them.

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