
K-Pop New Year’s Resolutions: 10 Things I Want To See Happen In 2024

K-Pop ResolutionsDepending on when or where you’re reading this, it’s either the final day of 2023 or the first day of 2024. That means, it’s time to make my K-pop wishes for the new year. I tend to set my sights high, which inevitably leads to disappointment. But nothing ventured, nothing gained — and if even a couple of these end up coming true in 2024 I’ll be pretty satisfied.

Readers, make sure to chime in in the comments. What are your K-pop wishes for 2024?

1. Less Sing-Talk and More MELODY

Of all my resolutions, this is the biggest one. Can you tell by the fact that my keyboard briefly switched to CAPS LOCK?

Melody will always be my favorite component of a song. I love melodies that are big, bold and surprising — ones with dynamic range that make me want to sing along. But this year, subdued (or shouty) sing-talk tended to be the norm. K-pop elements like concept, choreo and visuals took precedence far too often. There’s a reason I love second and third gen K-pop so much. Those melodies have endured throughout the years. I hope 2024 marks a return to this approach.

2. Groups with a Unique Musical Perspective

This is another big wish of mine. Over the course of the year, I’ve realized how important a unique perspective and vision can be for a pop act. Sure, great songs can stand on their own regardless of who’s performing them, but I love when acts have their own musical “brand.” I’ve called it a “signature sound” before, and it usually requires an artist to work closely with one or two main producers for consistency. In 2023, the vast majority of K-pop bled together, with camps of producers crafting pick-and-mix material that could have gone to a vast array of artists. In 2024, I’d love to hear some more idiosyncratic voices.

3. Now That They’re Back, a Creative Renaissance for my Second-Gen Faves

I’m delighted to have groups like Infinite and SHINee back. Now that they’ve returned, I hope 2024 sees them release material that doesn’t chase trends. I want these groups to do what they do best and unveil some new classics in their discographies.

4. More Girl Groups with a Propulsive Pop Sound

IVE’s I Am was a good start, but there weren’t many other 2023 songs that sounded like it. I’m hoping some groups pick up the mantle proudly held by past acts like Kara, GFriend, WJSN and Nine Muses. This big, propulsive dance sound is largely absent in a sea of NewJeans and BLACKPINK clones, and I miss it very much!

5. Boy Groups, Keep Following the Funk… but Personalize It

I’m enjoying the brighter sound palette attempted by many of 2023’s boy groups, but too often this sound is smoothed of its edges and either sounds like sanitized radio fodder or a less-exciting Seventeen knockoff. I hope boy groups continue to follow the rhythm in 2024, but find a way to make it their own.

6. Bring the Drama!

Honestly, I’ve had enough of the subdued, flat sounds that seem to be so popular right now. I crave bombast. Give me a whole symphony. Throw the kitchen sink at us!

7. Longer, More Developed Songs

So many 2023 tracks could have improved with an extra minute or so. Bridges have become more scarce in K-pop, and that’s a shame. Not every song needs to be longer than three minutes, but if you’re going to shorten the length to appeal to streaming platforms, please don’t skimp on the details. We need three choruses… minimum.

8. No More Kicking Out Members for Stupid Reasons

Two of my favorite acts of the year (The Wind, RIIZE) lost members this year due to reasons that feel silly. While the door is open for some to come back, I need the industry to get over itself and give these human performers a chance to make mistakes. I’m not interested in “perfect” people, and I’m sick of groups being decimated because of unfair standards placed on idols.

9. More than One Title Track from Sweetune

This one’s an evergreen wish, but the fact that Sweetune delivered my favorite K-pop track of 2023 simply means we need more music from them in 2024. And if they’re not going to become more prolific, I need a new set of producers to pick up the mantle. No one is doing it like Sweetune these days. Why is that?

10. A Renewal (or Restructure?) for Golden Child

I like to end these lists with a more specific, personal wish. Golden Child have been my K-pop bias group for years now, and their contract ends in 2024. I really don’t want them to disband, yet I also don’t think they’re being promoted well at the moment. I don’t want them to leave Woollim Entertainment, because that’s where the great songs are. But I also want them to be in a place where they’re able to release music more frequently.

In short, I’m not sure what I want exactly. Whatever gives us more great music in a structure that benefits the group, I guess…

15 thoughts on “K-Pop New Year’s Resolutions: 10 Things I Want To See Happen In 2024

  1. Agree with so many of these! I think you’re saying what a lot of 2nd gen stans are thinking.

    That being said, dating a fan is never acceptable. That Wind guy got kicked with good reason.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Didn’t know he got kicked for that reason😕. But I kinda hope that Seunghan guy finds his way back to Riize. I mean, it just feels like the group is uncomplete, even to me who is not that “huge” of a group follower.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I just read your comment properly lol, I thought the dating a fan part was regarding seunghan somehow🤦‍♂️

        I’m not sure I agree tbh, at least not to the point of kicking a person out of the group and ending their career.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Since you mentioned WJSN, I really hope that we’ll see a comeback from them this year.. the Seola solo is a good start already.

    Also, no idea how likely it is but I’d give everything for a GFriend reunion & comeback.


  3. JYP has a staggering 3 debuts this year with the LOUD bg, NEXZ, and VCHA. SM has the new NCT group and the possible new gg. We have pre-debut songs already but it’ll be really interesting to see what they cook up sonically when they debut, especially in modern-day SM and JYP standards. YG says Babymonster’s comeback will be a different song but I’m keeping my expectations on Blackpink’s Stay level sound lol.


  4. Things I hope to see:
    * child/teen labor laws enacted and enforced in idol world
    * quality over quantity for comebacks
    * Suho making a full, brooding 70s rock album a la Decanting
    * Vanner first music show win
    * Key opening a cheese store called Gouda and Great.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I will never forgive SM for lying to us about SuperM. They promised a SuperM comeback in 2023, but it did not happen and now it’s 2024. One of my resolutions for this year is for agencies to stop lying to us and actually give us the comebacks we want/need.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I agree with nearly all your resolutions but Number 8 especially.
    Got a few others:
    1. No more debuting minors (members under the age of 18 at time of debut). New Jeans, Babymonster and also The Wind (and many more) – that is a big NO, NO, NO!
    2. Toxic fandoms and fan wars – there are groups I don’t follow anymore because of their fandoms. Did we not get into Kpop because of the music? What is wrong with people and all the hate? Please lets stop this in 2024!
    3. I want more full length albums in general but especially at time of debut. I really, really dont like when groups debut with only one song or ‘single’ albums (wth even is that,?).
    4. In addition to full lengh albums I want groups to promote more than one song when they promote a new album.
    5. Can we please stop the project groups (like ZB1, TAN, EVNNE…..). I want group to debut and be around for a long time. I want to see the group grow , get attached to them and the members and support them for a long time. The fact TAN who has produced some of my fav music since they been put together have a expiry date is so totally upsetting!
    6. More shows like Peak Time in 2024 please and stop the Boys Planet or Queendom Puzzle kind of shows (one reason is above Point 5).

    Not much hope any of these resolutions will come true…. Still there it is, that’s my wishlist for 2024.


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