
Song Review: B1A4 – Rewind

B1A4 - RewindIn my eyes, B1A4 are one of K-pop’s all-time greats, and nothing they do now will change that. However, I’ve struggled to connect with most of their music as a trio. I miss those unique elements that only all five could deliver. And while new single Rewind doesn’t try to rekindle that magic, its throwback groove is a nice addition to their discography.

Rewind is their first title track in years, and rather than emerge with a giant statement, B1A4 have opted to slide in with an addictive rhythm and understated hooks. The song takes its cues from late-80’s/early-90’s New Jack Swing — a genre that has been well-mined by K-pop over the years. It’s one of my personal favorite sounds, but very hard to get right. You have to fully commit to the groove, and Rewind does this for much of its running time. I don’t like how it occasionally slows to a crawl, mostly because this flies in the face of the genre it’s referencing. But when the track simply rides the good will of its rhythm, it’s quite successful.

Melodically, Rewind could hit much harder. Its chorus is nice and will probably play well in the long run, but I’m eager to hear the group really punch forward with their melodies. The playful production calls for a sharper series of hooks and ends up carrying what otherwise might be a dull song. It’s still a lot of fun, though.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 9
 Bias 8
 RATING 8.25

Grade: B

8 thoughts on “Song Review: B1A4 – Rewind

  1. Holy New Jack Swing Batman! I mean, from the first measure, bam … bam bam bam. It could almost be a cover circa 1993 or so.

    I think it is great for the remaining B1A4. Its a solid comeback, just not the most original.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Are we really giving this production an 8? I can barely make out their voices sometimes. Something about the mixing on the YT version is off.


  3. As a self proclaimed sandeullover, I’ve been brainwashing myself to enjoy their post Jinyoung releases but it’s so difficult to not compare this to sweet girl and mourn what we could’ve had if b1a4 is still 5.

    I miss the Jinyoung and shinwoo power producing duo!


    • Absolutely true. The songs were good although I can’t help to wait for the highnotes of sandeul on their title track. I just miss it so much. Plus the rap of baro who somehow always managed to blend with their songs (How can he do that in all of their tracks). Such a terrific trio they are.


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