
Song Review: ICHILLIN’ – On My Lips

ICHILLIN - On My LipsICHILLIN’ impressed with two killer pre-release tracks earlier this year. They seemed poised for a reinvention that favored intricate, engrossing beats and fiery, attitude-driven hooks. Now that their official title track On My Lips has finally been unveiled, all I can ask is… what happened?

The answer — as usual — lies with the producers. All three of the group’s 2024 tracks boast different creative teams, but while Bite Me and Demigod compliment each other, On My Lips feels like a step backward. Gone are the cool, inventive beats of the past few weeks, replaced with production that sounds like reheated girl group fare from years ago. From production to top line, the entire track has a “playground taunt” sing-songy sound that rarely goes down well with me. And without a single respite from this approach, the song’s three minutes feel interminably long.

Now that I know what ICHILLIN’ are capable of when given material with its own perspective, it hurts to hear them saddled with something as derivative as this. Even the song’s repeated “hot sauce” hook feels borrowed from other acts. Luckily, this is the third track on their new EP, meaning we can happily listen to the first two highlights before easily shifting to something different.

Hooks 7
 Production 7
 Longevity 7
 Bias 6
 RATING 6.75

Grade: D+

17 thoughts on “Song Review: ICHILLIN’ – On My Lips

  1. As much as I would love to like this I just can’t!!! I love Bite Me because it’s rough electro beat!! and Im not sure how I feel about demigod because if it’s prechorus with the werid riff but this is just straight up giving us cult gathering in the woods😔😫


  2. Damn, this is a letdown from Bite Me and Demigod :/ Kinda like the beats here, but wish there was more to it, cause then I’d give it a 8 or even a 9. Same goes for hooks, I’d give it a 8 if there was more to it. What could bring it to 8s is in 7s for me if there was much more oomph to it. It sounds like a long verse :/

    7.25 (7, 7, 8, 7) for me.

    Also, have you considered checking out La Luna? They made a 2024 version (basically re-recorded it with Jiyoon), and it’s in this album. I’d love it if you check it out cause it deserves a Buried Treasure review


    • Also, by beats, I meant the production, I’d give the production a 8 or even a 9 if there was more to it, cause it seems like it had potential to be a fun, bonkers song like their 2021’s Fresh, sorry if it wasn’t clear 😅


  3. Im gonna say something that could be contreversial, and I am not shaming anyone but I realize that whenever lyre composes or produces a song it’s either straight up boring or just a cult gathering theme song, maybe its just not for me because all the songs they have produced haven’t really done anything for me. 😐


  4. Well it is better at 1.25x speed. At least then it sounds more like warmed over 2018 girl group fare. Thinking fromis9 “Love Bomb”, GWSN “Pinky Star”, that era. 

    Liked by 2 people

    • The short impactful message plus mr.krabs buns as a profile pic is chef’s kiss. Honestly lyre hasn’t been behind a song I loved yet.


  5. The 2nd verse and bridge work are my favorite parts. It’s the production in the chorus that lets me down with each listen, it needs to pick up the pace. I think the motif in the subsequent breakdown is catchy even if it’s vaguely familiar. I don’t know what I wanted to hear them repeat, it definitely wasn’t hot sauce though lol


  6. It just hit me that this is on the same album as “bite me” and “demigod”. I’m gonna need someone to explain that to me. If they’re thematically similar, fine I guess, however sonically this sticks out in a way that makes it sound worse than it does


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