
Song Review: YOUNITE – Geekin

YOUNITE - GeekinApart from a fantastic pre-release, YOUNITE haven’t done much to stick in my memory. I’ve written about all their title tracks, but I honestly couldn’t hum any of them today. New single Geekin is unlikely to change that, but its addictive beat helps it stand out amongst their discography.

I should hate this song. After all, the spoken word chorus hits many of the stylistic tropes I tend to despise in modern boy group music. Yet somehow, “why you geekin?” is such a stupid phrase that it somehow becomes fun. More than anything, we can thank the song’s production for its success. I could do without the sirens, but its rubbery electro groove is spot on. And rather than collapse into several disparate pieces and tempos, Geekin maintains its momentum all the way through.

A better chorus would have made this a true standout, but I love the melodic pre-chorus and the rap verses are delightfully rhythmic. In many ways, it’s the first title track to directly call back to 2022’s Everybody and makes a case for YOUNITE to further explore retro hip-hop sounds.

Hooks 7
 Production 9
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

6 thoughts on “Song Review: YOUNITE – Geekin

  1. The whispered “why you geekin’” is still a little off-ish for me, but the production is really cool. Minimal, but also has that catchiness to it which makes it work. Wish the outro had more to it, and ofc, wish it had a bridge and final chrous, but hey, the pre-chorus is indeed melodic and the raps are groovy!

    My rating-based-on-first-listen would prolly have been a 6.75 (5, 8, 7, 7), but it’s a 7.5 (6, 9, 8, 7) now, but hey, it’ll prolly age to an 8 or smth for me soon, but we’ll see!


  2. Hah, another old school. For now, this is still refreshing. Soon I will be thinking otherwise, but for now, its cool. Sonny boy is using the parlance “cooked” this week, because teens, so I think he might say “they cooked it”.

    If I squint my ears, it would also be “why you freaking” or even “why you fleaking”. As “why you geekin”, it also ok by me, because it falls into the “so craptastic its great!” ranking of lyrics in kpop. Its been a while since I have pulled it out, but I know Craptastic ranks high. 


  3. I haven’t heard someone use “geekin” since I was in hig school like 20 years ago. Never thought I’d hear it in a kpop song but hey, here we are. Fortunately it kind of works and I actually like the song. 90’s and 00’s hip hop and r&b will always be may favorite era so when groups take inspo from that i’m automatically interested.

    The rapping wasn’t overdone or annoying, it flowed nice with the beat and didn’t come off obnoxious. Younite is one of those groups that flys below the radar and their title tracks are hit or miss. Their bsidea have always been my fav. I hope they continue to dabble in this kind of sound, it really works for them.


  4. I want to thank you for exposing me to songs and groups I normally wouldn’t even consider. I have become a fan of many groups because of you.


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