
Song Review: WayV – Give Me That

WayV - Give Me ThatWayV returned last year with a solid album and an interesting title track. Now that summer fast approaches, their newest comeback promises something brighter and groovier. Given that one of my favorite WayV b-sides is 2020’s buoyant Electric Hearts, this is definitely welcome news. And with the NCT universe not as dominant as it used to be, it’s a great time for individual units to hone their own unique sound.

Give Me That arrives in a Korean-language version and sees the guys employing a mix of bouncy hip-hop and standout vocal moments. The latter works better than the former, with the splashy chorus becoming an instant standout. There’s a bit too much “give me that” chanting for my taste, but the guys’ vocal blend impresses in the lead-up to these moments. A fun, brassy instrumental supports them well. It’s not particularly unique, but it gets the job done.

More than anything, Give Me That is an example of a strong performance elevating a so-so track. There’s not enough going on during its verses, but WayV’s playful delivery keeps things aloft. In a different world, the song would capitalize on its strengths and follow SM’s tradition of blistering funk-pop title tracks, but sadly Give Me That‘s ambitions are far more modest.

Hooks 8
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: B-

10 thoughts on “Song Review: WayV – Give Me That

  1. It sounds funky, kinda like a SHINee song, but also sadly muted. The chorus is repetitive, but fortunately, WayV saved it with the melodies. With a little push, it could have been I Really Want You’s little brother

    A straight 8.


  2. It’s still baffling why they chose to release a video for the Korean version instead of the original Chinese version.


  3. I’m happy with this, I actually think the hook is super catchy and melodic for a change in NCT. The fact is WayV needs a more palatable pop hit so I hope this’ll get them some new listeners. That said, I love She A Wolf and Might As Well even more. They managed to really nail a kpop country song somehow


  4. Agree with the analysis and rating. First listen was ok. It felt better after a second listen. I too felt the verses were missing some umph as it would’ve added more personality. The vocal delivery is the takeaway.

    p.s. this is almost every WayV song but Xiaojun always sticks out and in the best way possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A cute song definitely elevated by WayV’s performance! The instrumentals of the bridge (?) starting at 2:13 feels way to muted for me, I feel like it’s missing something. Love to see them back, though, and a strong chorus can make up for okay verses.


  6. The song was mid and boring, sounds like any stereotypical kpop bg song, nothing like WayV’s unique sound and don’t even get me started on the concept and mv. Ig the Kakao effect is really starting to set in. :/


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