
Song Review: One Pact – FXX OFF

One Pact - FXX OFFI thought about waiting to write a review for One Pact’s FXX OFF (꺼져) until the music video was released, but the situation surrounding it is just too ironic not to explore. The group’s comeback is today and — like many K-pop acts — they’ve gone for a daring, badass sound with a faux-controversial title in the self-censored “FXX OFF.” Yet at the first sign of any actual controversy, their agency has pulled the video for re-edit. Isn’t this just the perfect microcosm of the K-pop industry?

I’m not saying a re-edit wasn’t necessary. Cultural appropriation is a very real problem and one that’s plagued K-pop for some time. I just find the disconnect between concepts’ bark and bite to be quite funny. With that said, we’re here to talk about the actual music, and despite FXX OFF‘s prickly title, I’m eager to dive in and see what makes the song tick.

FXX OFF has some nice moments — mainly when the guys are simply singing and not trying to twist themselves into bad boy architypes. The pre-choruses have a satisfying build, showcasing their obvious talent. However, these segments frame a truly awful chorus. The production gurgles and groans as we enter a sonic hellscape of abrasive sing-talk and underwhelming hooks. A theatrical, shouted bridge works much better, truly harnessing a sense of violent anger. I’m much more interested in this punky approach, but as FXX OFF‘s situation has reminded us, this is ultimately idol pop we’re talking about.

Hooks 6
 Production 7
 Longevity 7
 Bias 7
 RATING 6.75

Grade: D+

(Video finally released on June 13th)

11 thoughts on “Song Review: One Pact – FXX OFF

  1. I’m sorry, but Tag is making the most outdated songs ever. not a single song has clicked with me. Jay’s voice is getting wasted on this group.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not sure if an MV is going to help this song much. I feel really bad for this group because the members are very talented individually but together it’s one big mess.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s so kpop. To pretend to be all bad ass, breaking all the rules, then apologize.

    For the song, its sounds very NCT-adjacent circa 2019 2020 era kpop boy bands. Let’s mix up all the sections, then go all crunchy, then all deep, then fragmented, the one line of actual sung melody, drop out, come back with a whoah. This song composition style has become beyond cliche. At this point, I can’t even grade these anymore, just one more on the pile of songs that sound like this.

    I wish the boys themselves the best of luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I havent even listened to the song the time of writing this yet, but i noticed everyone talking about how outdated tag’s music is and yes IT IS, but i like music from that era soooo…i like it lol. Ik this comment has nothing to do with the song at hand so ill come ba k and leave a review for that


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