
Song Review: NewJeans – Supernatural

NewJeans - SupernaturalThough NewJeans’ 2024 releases have enjoyed successful runs on the charts, there’s a growing feeling of stagnation with their music. You can only do ‘breezy cool’ so many times before the songs start to blend into one another. It’s time to inject a new genre influence, and the New Jack Swing of Supernatural may be just what the doctor ordered.

I won’t pretend NewJeans have delivered some mammoth, angular Rhythm Nation style take on the genre. Supernatural‘s smooth arrangement veers closer to city pop than a big dancefloor throwdown. But for the first time this year, there are moments in the group’s production that really capture me. The chopped vocals that open the track are pure bliss and remind me of this great 80’s classic. And though the percussion remains defiantly on the featherlight side of New Jack Swing, it kicks up enough funk to get your head nodding.

As always, I long for a more compelling vocal performance that matches the groove of the instrumental. The other day, I was thinking about NewJeans in the context of my all-time favorite pop star Janet Jackson. Janet’s voice has often been described as “thin” (though I could rattle off many examples to the contrary), but she’s a master at vocal stacking and harmony that gives her music a lush, full feeling. This is what I’m missing with NewJeans. The vocals are so straightforward and aloof to the point of feeling faceless. Supernatural would improve greatly with an intricate vocal arrangement that added depth and character to the track. The captivating production begs for this compliment, and if debut track Attention is any indicator NewJeans are up for the challenge.

Even so, Supernatural is the strongest and most adventurous the group has sounded in 2024. I’m hoping it’s the prelude to a new era where they can really let their hair down and explore new styles of performance.

Hooks 8
 Production 9
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8
 RATING 8.25

Grade: B

28 thoughts on “Song Review: NewJeans – Supernatural

  1. I think 8.25 is a bit too high for me, but I’m usually a bit tougher on Japanese releases just because I think the overall musical output in Japan over the past few years has been better than Korea’s, so I feel like a song needs to accomplish more to really be competitive musically. I definitely like this more than anything they’ve released this year (maybe even all the way back to Ditto/OMG except for the odd soft spot I have for Cool With You), but it still just feels like background music and nothing engaging. When I listen to music, I tend to really want to *listen,* so if a song doesn’t grab my attention and make me feel something, it doesn’t make or falls off my playlist. This is a track that won’t be making my playlist, but at the same time, it does give me more hope for the direction Newjeans might take in the future. So it does its job in making me want to stay tuned to their next release, something that I wasn’t feeling after their latest Korean comeback, but it’s still not quite there for me yet. With Newjeans, outside of their incredible 1-2 punch with their debut and first comeback, I just find that there are so many other songs that fall into the same genre that are out currently or are older releases that just do the job better, so ultimately I’ll pick those to listen to over a more watered down, TikTok-esque release.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I really enjoyed this track and it’s MILES ahead of Right Now (even though I like both songs). Minji (the one with the deep voice, but tbh I wouldn’t blame anyone if they couldn’t distinguish their voices) really outdid herself this era with the MV and title track 👏🏾👏🏾🧸


  3. i think i def prefer right now more than supernatural. it feels to me that the beat carries the vocals too much, if it were any other beat i think the song wld just be mediocare, and the verses are kinda short, sentences with not much conviction behind them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. honestly find the instrumental really annoying, not as annoying as ETA (idk why…. I’m an NCT fan lol so I’m shocked myself), but definitely a better song. At least there’s something to have an opinion about this time 😭


  5. I must say as someone who actually really enjoys NewJeans (Super Shy was my song of the year), I’m underwhelmed by those Japanese tracks. The melodies are the exact same with some adventurous production. And if there is one band I’m not excited to ever see live it’s them.

    100% agree on the fact they are not up to the vocal challenge and it’s worrying for their future tracks. But it’s also because Supernatural sounds super retro. Maybe a housy garage track would change my mind?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is just 2 minutes of nonsense to me. I just don’t get their music. Obviously I’m the minority here but it is what it is. It worries my kpop heart when these types of songs are praised😐

    Liked by 1 person

    • I haven’t been a huge fan of NJ’s output either and was kind of worried about the direction of kpop, but Supernova being a smash hit gave me hope again. Seems like there’s room for both to thrive, hopefully, maybe


  7. I will be honest and say this song bored me to death. I definitely think the song has more of a city pop feel than a new jack swing. While listening all I could do is think of better songs in the genre (Wonder Girls’ Reboot Album, Yubin’s Lady, maybe even some Tommyfebruary6). I saw someone perfectly sum up my feelings: it’s just background music. If someone needs to not be distracted, this is the song to go. Lately I’ve been obsessed with NCT Dream’s Dunk Shot & NCT U’s Without You. Honestly I’ve realized how much melodies impact my enjoyment of music. Vibes are fine, but I prefer ‘meatier’ melodies, and this is just not for me. I would rate it an 8/10 simply for the nostalgic instrumental (I’m always a sucker for those)

    Liked by 2 people

    • True, it was refreshing when they began but they are standing right where they started in terms of choreography I believe.


  8. For me, this is miles above anything else they’ve released this year. Structurally, it’s still not as interesting as some of their earlier stuff, but there’s more flavor packed into their vocal delivery this time, which was something I was missing on the past few tracks.

    Still…I lived in Japan during the height of 3rd generation groups debuting there, and went to several of their concerts, and they all really did their part in tailoring their sound and, you know, actually delivering the majority of the track in Japanese? As a J-pop fan, this style of “Japanese debut” is a major bummer. Yes, I know Japanese fans love their sound as is, but…maybe as a Tohoshinki devotee, it just feels like a lazy way of entering the market other artist trailblazed by fully dedicating to the artistry and language. IMO, Supernatural is a good song but a bad example of Kpop in Japan.


  9. I did not expect to like this song at all, but surprisingly, I did. This is by far the best output from them this year. They added a bit of something (I am not quite sure about that genre), to elevate this song from their usual fare which I think turned out to be successful. But is this enough to keep afloat their musical standings, I am not sure. It won’t be long before they realize the whole new jeans package worked only in parts because of the new concepts and mostly because of how good their initial songs were. I hope by then it isn’t too late.


    • Yeah, it reminds me of when The Boyz debuted in Japan with “Tattoo”, a song that is in Korean and the Japanese doesn’t come until the very end of the song. There’s also “Breaking Dawn” where they sing in Korean, then the bridge and final chorus is sung in Japanese.


  10. It sounds more like a regular New Jeans song with an overlay of a New Jack Swing sample. Or the inverse, it sounds like a New Jack Swing karaoke song that New Jeans are singing along to on one of those casual cover videos. They don’t own this, they are just tourists.


  11. Time will tell, but I’m not sure I like Supernatural/Right Now as much as How Sweet/Bubble Gum.

    I’m convinced the Hybe fiasco played a large role in the slight 2024 output. Did they withhold funds to prevent them from securing songwriters and actors for the more ambitious styled songs and MVs of previous years?

    But unless I’m wrong, I think Min Heejin said a new album would be coming later in the year? That’s what I’ve pinned my hopes on.

    At any rate, these songs are good placeholders until another more substantive EP/album period begins.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I agree 100% with everything you’ve said in your review. “Supernatural” is for sure the most interesting single NewJeans has put out this year. Not to say the previous ones have been bad (I really enjoy How Sweet) but this song in particular adds an extra sparkle their previous tracks have been missing.

    This is truly a really well-crafted song with elements of city pop and New Jack Swing, which is a genre that has not been as explored by current K-pop groups. My issue? The same as yours. This song is begging for a stronger vocal performance. Maybe adding some more ad-libs during the second chorus, putting some smooth harmonies in the verses. That could’ve elevated the track so much.

    I’m wondering why NewJeans are taking such a laidback approach with their vocals, at least for most of their songs. It all started with Super Shy (which is a song that could benefit from stronger harmonies) and has continued all the way to their most recent singles (with the exception of Bubble Gum, maybe). I would really love to see NewJeans stepping up with some bigger vocal moments (it doesn’t have to be Ariana Grande-like) but a couple of ad-libs and harmonies wouldn’t hurt.


  13. The production is good but where are the hooks? 🫡 I’m looking for them, can’t find them. This is a 7 at best


    • i think I’m so low on this cause I listen to new jack swing a lot and this pales in comparison to even the more middling songs of the genre


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