
Song Review: Kis-My-Ft2 – Loved One

Kis-My-Ft2 - Loved OneThe music video for Kis-My-Ft2’s newest single has been out for a few days, but I’ve been holding off on writing about it because I honestly couldn’t decide how I felt about the song. For those who have never heard of this group, they boast my favorite J-pop discography, largely due to songs like this and this and this and this (and many more). However, they haven’t released a classic track since 2019 and haven’t even released an album since 2020! After their vocal powerhouse left the group to go solo last year, I wasn’t sure how they would sound going forward.

I heard an extended clip of Loved One a few weeks ago and was instantly excited. It sounded like a return to the widescreen appeal of 2016’s Yes! I Scream (a perfect pop song). And while Loved One exists in this same soundscape, I can’t muster up a similar enthusiasm over the final product. I love its drama, I like its nearly five minute running time (practically unheard of these days!) and the extended pre-chorus/build hits all my melodic pleasure centers. But there’s also a ton of cloyingly simplistic “1, 2, 3, a, b, c” style rap, dubious vocal turns and the disturbing lack of a chorus.

In short, I’m very conflicted about the song and that’s a weird place to be when you just want to turn on music and enjoy. I tend to put huge expectations on the acts I love most, but that’s only because I know what they’re capable of at their best. I’m very happy Loved One isn’t some boring, self-serious dirge the way Starto Entertainment acts of Kisumai’s age tend to deliver. Its bombastic energy is refreshing and easy to get lost in. But rather than simply “good,” Loved One could have been another classic.

Hooks 7
 Production 9
 Longevity 8
 Bias 9
 RATING 8.25

Grade: B

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