
Song Review: Just B – Daddy’s Girl

Just B - Daddy's GirlThe best thing a rookie K-pop group can do is develop their own sound that establishes them as a vital part of the industry. Just B have slowly been doing that, moving to rock influences to give their music an identifiable style. New English-language single Daddy’s Girl capitalizes on that approach.

The first time I heard this song, I was immediately reminded of the debut year of Australian rock group 5 Seconds Of Summer. She Looks So Perfect was my jam back in 2014, buoyed by an incredibly catchy, sing-along chorus. Just B seem to be going for the same thing with Daddy’s Girl. It doesn’t conjure as dramatic a head rush (few things do), but I appreciate its willingness to lean fully into its genre influence. Even if rock music isn’t your thing, this style of song is difficult to resist. Its classic construction simply hits the pleasure points of the brain.

To make Daddy’s Girl stronger, I would have conjured an even bigger, grittier instrumental. I mean, if you’re going to aim for stadiums, you might as well go full-on Def Leppard. A higher tempo and more bombastic guitar chords would have set this over the edge. Instead, it’s a very solid track buoyed by a healthy dose of musical nostalgia.

Hooks 9
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 9

Grade: B

3 thoughts on “Song Review: Just B – Daddy’s Girl

  1. Let me say how much I hate the expressions “Daddy’s Girl” and “Mamma’s Boy.” Just yuck. This sounds very Americana in the most cringe way.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Let me just say I find the language in this song quite startling for a kpop song. The thing I kept thinking throughout my listen was, “watch your profanity….”


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