
Song Review: Soojin – Mona Lisa

Soojin - Mona LisaEx-(G)I-DLE member Soojin made her solo debut late last year with AGASSY — a song high on atmosphere and low on substance. That description could match many K-pop tracks of the last two years or so, and new single Mona Lisa also fits within this realm.

Everything about this song feels like a means to an end. Try as I might, I can’t imagine an A&R team going through demos, hearing Mona Lisa, and being so excited they had to snatch it up right away. It feels like a bunch of late-2010’s sounds stitched together to form a semi-song. We move through verses and choruses, but Mona Lisa‘s limp “eh eh eh” refrain is so slight it threatens to evaporate right in front of your eyes. The alluring pre-chorus is stronger, but slows the track to a crawl right when it should be building momentum.

Speaking of momentum, there’s a cool bit right at the end of Mona Lisa where the instrumental takes center stage and stabs of guitar finally bring a dynamic punch. It’s much too little, too late, but this demonstrates how compelling production might have elevated an uninspired song. Alas, Mona Lisa is never able to bring its strengths together and ends up being very forgettable.

Hooks 7
 Production 7
 Longevity 7
 Bias 7

Grade: C-

11 thoughts on “Song Review: Soojin – Mona Lisa

  1. Im kind of torn on this song because I want to like it but I also know my desire to listen to it will disappear in a matter of days😭


  2. I’m sad because this song is too short for being so repetitive. I do like it, but it falls short too quickly and I feel it will get tiring the more I listen to it.


  3. honestly went in wanting to love it, but tuned out immediately. So far it’s a 0 for 2 title tracks for me. I think only thing that’s still keeping me interested is because I liked her she was in Gidle

    song overall is very forgettable, vocals not my cup of tea (sounds too filtered?), and hook kinda of annoying.


  4. Jeez, I wish they would give soojin some creative material. This and Agassy are like twins but this is like worse but better.


  5. Is this even a song… The lyrics and production is by far even worst compare to something that can be generate from Musical Suno AI.

    A 4.0/10 for me.


  6. I chose not to care about this title track and look at the album which is very cohesive and continues the indie ambient sound well. I’m obsessed with Summer Daze.


  7. nah she is just definitely not solo material. Zero vocal skill so no experiment and chance to give any song an edge. Mid overhyped and actually very limited range of dancing skill that she can’t even branch to dance track. Her only “thing” is sensual appeal and it is only less useless when used in a group.


  8. Coming back here after a few days because I wanted to see if the appeal of the song would wear off for me. Nope! I still love it. Gorgeous MV (I love the rainbow effect on the bed) and the “Eh eh eh” is still really enjoyable to me. I also love the final dance break at the end. And you know what? Love or hate this song, we can all agree on one thing: I’m glad they didn’t put the word “Rizz” in the title of the track. They relegated it to a B-Side. Thank goodness.


  9. nyahahaha all these negative opinions but i absolutely love it, the title track, every bside, perfect summer music for me, perfect atmosphere, and everyone is complaining about Soojin’s voice but i just don’t get you people, i absolutely love Soojin’s vocal tone and i’ve even seen people complain about how she pronounces Mona Lisa, i was like ??? She pronounces it perfectly fine lmaoo how i would pronounce it, ahhh Soojin gave me an aoty in 2023, it was also perfect atmospheric album for me, and she did it again this year too omg, Ok so Soojin is definitely for me, my style, my type agagaga idc what anyone else says, ill enjoy and stream!


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