Song Review: RIIZE – Boom Boom Bass

Song Review: RIIZE – Boom Boom Bass

RIIZE are part of a vanguard of fresh fifth-gen acts that are making this year’s K-pop quite exciting. Pre-release Impossible remains a certified mega-banger, while Love 119 just may be 2024’s biggest grower. So far, they’ve managed to keep the quality remarkably high despite traversing various genres. New title track Boom Boom Bass marks the … Continue reading

Song Review: RIIZE – 9 Days

Song Review: RIIZE – 9 Days

Well, what a nice surprise! Not only have RIIZE released three new b-sides from their first mini album, but they’ve recorded behind-the-scenes music videos for two of them. In both sound and execution, One Kiss and 9 Days are definitely not title tracks, but I still think they each deserve a mini-review. Compared to One … Continue reading