
The Top Ten Best Album Tracks by VIXX

Top Ten Best Singles by VixxAs a companion to my Top Ten Singles lists, it’s time to look at some of the best album tracks and b-sides from the best artists. VIXX are well known for having a remarkably consistent discography that goes far beyond their singles. Here’s the best of the best.

Honorable Mentions:

What U Waiting For
Love, La La La

10. After Dark (from Error – 2014)

After Dark‘s punchy pop chorus is nothing new for the group, but its aggressive, beat-heavy brew of electronic dance bombast is a near-perfect distillation of VIXX’s trademark sound.

9. Badbye (from Zelos – 2016)

A stately, midtempo ballad that houses one of the group’s most mature melodies. Awash in synths, Badbye‘s chorus crests with an understated drama.

8. Love Letter (from Hyde/Jekyll – 2013)

VIXX’s best ballad, and arguably the strongest showcase for their vocals.There’s simply no denying the series of harmonic and vocal peaks that give the track its heavy heart.

7. Maze (from Chained Up – 2015)

Yet more proof that VIXX’s album tracks are, more often than not, strong enough to be title tracks. Maze capitalizes on its thundering beat with an addictively commanding hook.

6. Beautiful Killer (from Voodoo – 2013)

With its labyrinthine production and tense clobber of a beat, Beautiful Killer‘s chorus explodes with incredible pop force. The production pulls and pushes against the guys’ anthemic vocal performance.

5. Spider (from Chained Up – 2015)

Undoubtedly cheesy, but in many ways this horror-show pastiche of Spider remains VIXX’s most potent 2015 release. That’s thanks to the chorus’s crisp propulsion.

4. Six Feet Under (from Zelos – 2016)

With its stuttering, sledgehammer production, Six Feet Under proves that VIXX hasn’t completely abandoned the sound that saw them rise to fame in 2013. This is blockbuster idol pop firing on all cylinders. (full review)

3. Time Machine (from Error – 2014)

Every once and awhile, VIXX lightens up the mood and hits us with a genre-defining pop track. Time Machine pulses with an ebullient electro beat, recalling a blissed-out update of 80’s summertime nostalgia.

2. Love Come True (from Voodoo – 2013)

Starting as a ballad before transforming into a sleek, anthemic wisp of dance pop. Its melodic core is as close to fellow boy group Infinite as VIXX has ever sounded, but still retains their own unique color. It stands as something of a red herring in their discography, but also one of the breeziest things they’ve ever recorded.

1. What To Do? (from Jekyll – 2013)

Released at the height of their ascent to superstardom, What To Do could have easily become part of that flawless singles run. With one of the best choruses of their career, the track simply soars — all the while providing an excellent display of what makes VIXX such a unique, vital component of modern k-pop.


3 thoughts on “The Top Ten Best Album Tracks by VIXX

  1. Pingback: Buried Treasure: VIXX – Desperate | The Bias List // K-Pop Reviews & Discussion

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