
Song Review: ICHILLIN – Siren

ICHILLIN - SirenICHILLIN are trying to confuse us! Less than two months ago, they returned with a song called Alarm. Now, they’re back with another one called Siren! I sense a theme here…

I wasn’t a fan of Alarm, but Siren has some bite to it. As always, I’d prefer a robust, melodic chorus over the beat-drop/sing-talk hook we get, but the track’s crunchy electro thump makes for an addictive centerpiece. I appreciate that — even as its energy changes — Siren keeps a consistent sound palette throughout. I’m not a big fan of the verses (especially verse two), but the pre-chorus delivers strong melody and a satisfying sense of openness.

Stacked against other songs of this nature, I don’t think Siren will stick out. It’s bogged down by too much filler to truly shine. But, it’s an improvement for ICHILLIN, who have struggled to find their own niche.

Hooks 7
 Production 8
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8
 RATING 7.75

Grade: C+

14 thoughts on “Song Review: ICHILLIN – Siren

  1. Hmm, I suspect this one will be a grower. I like that thumbing beat and electro bass-heavy synth. I wish it had an explosive instrumental section that went full-on 180 BPM drum & bass. It almost threatened to at one point.


    • I wish many songs had a bonkers explosive full-on 180bpm drum & bass section, and threaten us more.

      thunka thunka thunka thunka Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me Cannot stop the BAT TAH REE thunka thunka thunka thunka BATTERY!


    • Sheesh, after listening to Metallica, this song here by Ichillin needs to get clicked to a full 1.25x to have any punch at all. Actually, this song sounds waaayyy better at 1.25x. Even 1.5x isn’t too crazy, they just would need to practice better enunciation on the vocals to spit it out that quickly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Apart from the distortion and the rushed singing, I agree. If it had been properly produced to be at this tempo I probably would’ ve loved it!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I basically agree completely. I thought about how I would feel about the song if I was just discovering kpop and I think I would’ve been hooked by the pre chorus. Sadly, that’s not enough anymore


  3. the beat in the song is fire at least

    anyway, i made a cupcakke remix of The Chaser on my YouTube channel (EijiDoesMusic). it was supposed to be released on 5/15, but i decided to put it out a few days early

    im not linking the video, but it’s titled “Infinite – The Chaser (CupcakKe Remix)”


  4. I’m a fan of the group. Both Draw and Alarm make frequent appearances on my playlists.

    This feels like the Karma/Craxification of Ichillin…?
    Not as bad as some claim, but definitely no smash hit.
    The injustice of Nick ranking this higher than their previous two releases…


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