
Song Review: BLACKPINK – Pink Venom

BLACKPINK - Pink Venom

It feels momentous every time I write the elusive words “BLACKPINK are back.” They return so infrequently. The last time we had an honest-to-goodness comeback, we were still mired in year one of the Covid pandemic. We didn’t even have a vaccine yet!

Lovesick Girls was a great return to form for the group, hearkening back to the weightier, anthemic hooks found in their earlier work. Since then, fans have made do with a few solo projects and an animated PUBG Mobile tie-in. Pink Venom acts as a taster for their upcoming album. Its title evokes the supposed duality of their sound, but feels like a direct sequel to earlier drop-style hits like How You Like That and Kill This Love.

Yes, this is… a BLACKPINK song. It may be the BLACKPINKIEST song of them all, and your reaction will depend on how you feel about their (very predictable) schtick. To Pink Venom’s credit, it boasts a few moments that are quite weird. Traditional instrumentation opens the track and carries most of the way through until we drop into a second verse that sounds like a bizarre mix of 90’s gangsta rap and hyperpop. The song is at its best when it throws all these ideas into the mix, catching the listener off guard while the ladies act as charismatic tour guides across their own multiverse of madness.

But, Pink Venom quickly loses me. As usual, I was with it until the chorus. Yet again, the song plays the BLACKPINK catchphrasey formula to the hilt. After Lovesick Girls’ rush of a melodic refrain, Pink Venom’s repetitive hook feels severely underwhelming. Worse yet, the track climaxes in yet another “Gra Ta Ta Ta” fest. Come on, producers! You must have more ideas than this, right?? BLACKPINK do what they can with the material, but it’s a losing battle. And really, it doesn’t matter. For some inexplicable reason, K-pop fandom has decided to treat each BLACKPINK release as The Most Important Thing Ever, despite being fooled over and over again by the same cheap parlor tricks.

 Hooks 5
 Production 7
 Longevity 8
 Bias 7
 RATING 6.75

175 thoughts on “Song Review: BLACKPINK – Pink Venom

  1. Did they actually pay Teddy for this song???? Isn’t it just the same old formula all over again
    I blame Teddy
    I blame YG
    I dont want to blame the girls, but, come on, it’s your 6th years since debut, don’t you have anything to say in song choice??
    YG fans always say that SM don’t allow their artist to be more creative, but seriously, look at DBSK, SHINee… they’re choosing their own road.
    I feel like right now, every Blackink release, by group or solo, is just an excuse to show off the fashion brand that they’re representing. It stopped being music long time ago

    Liked by 4 people

    • Idk why y’all acting like kpop isn’t recycled! Once they find a sound that’s it! For example Ariana Grande uses the same formula for her songs! Hearing Ariana Grande changing her formula would be weird. That’s what kpop does they stick with a sound. And stop acting like Blackpink doesn’t have other songs that don’t sound the same.


      • I like how you used Ariana Grande when talking about what other KPOP artists do. Don’t take what the guy said out of context and don’t pretend like the repetitiveness of BP’s singles (especially with such a small discography) doesn’t push it a little. Not saying they’re the only ones but don’t blindly support the group without recognizing that others have legitimate fustrations with them

        Liked by 2 people

    • Aww lol poor teddy! I think he’s busy doing his own stuff.. focusing on his own company. So he must be doing this in a hurry BC BP depends on him like anything. But you’re right it’s not BP ‘s fault. I love their swag and a song. Their confidence is everything but stilll…I think duddu was amazing..


  2. I am never excited for a Blackpink comeback. They never disappoint – the song almost always sucks, the girls almost always throw swagger around and their fans ALWAYS act like Jesus walks on Earth again and somehow korean charts celebrate their homecoming like NYE. I don’t get them, their popularity or their music. Make the world make sense please IVE (I have high hopes)

    Liked by 9 people

      • they are beautiful, and fashion loves them, but i only like a few songs…but my ears are happy other groups are doing their thing well


    • Criticizing a kpop group for style over substance seems weird to me. That’s the point of the genre. That’s why the genre is the way it is, from top to bottom. Any glimpse of depth in kpop is a rarity and a byproduct. Calling out a kpop group for having style over substance is like calling out a rapper for talking fast.

      (This isn’t coming from a hater. I like certain groups/artists and am even a Blackpink fan, although this latest track doesn’t do anything for me.)


  3. oh come on, it’s not so bad! it’s loud, the members are charismatic as ever, the raps ICONIC as ever.
    I hate this “fire Teddy” nonsense. Personally I hear the variations in his production work and find it highly effective.

    Blackpink are not the mean cool kids with the lunch table you cant sit at. People. it’s okay to enjoy it. come join the party lol

    and if it doesn’t fit your taste so be it, but theyre certainly not hurting or harming anyone with their pink pink venom.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Ok I hope you know tounge is firmly in cheek there! I just felt some commenters were lumping near criminal accusations against BP, in their critique.

        But yeah I think the point of a song like this is less to do something new/reinvent the wheel but rather continue introducing people to the blackpink sound. It’s reiterative. Redundant absolutely.

        But it is the zeitgeist and it’s interesting to me music like this can be so globally, intergenerationally so appealing.

        I imagine the comeback that accompanies the full length will offer something new in the way ‘Lovesick Girls’ did.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Teddy has been on a creative decline since Blackpink debuted. Boombayah, Stay, PWF, AIIYL, and Forever Young were all 2NE1 songs. His slump only became obvious at the releases of DDD, KTL, and HYLT after he seemingly ran out of 2NE1 songs to release.

    I personally have enjoyed some of the empty-chorus bass drop tracks (DDD was a banger!), but Pink Venom is just sad. The interpolations and piecing together of random sounds are confusing, the lyrics are empty and tacky. The flashy, but directionless MV is stale and pretentious. I always thought BP were 2 dimensional and liked them nonetheless, but they’re becoming flatter and flatter.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes they were 2ne1 songs that 2ne1 rejected! Songs get passed around all of the time in kpop and in western music! Stop bringing up 2ne1 they have moved on! If Teddy wasn’t a good producer or writer Blackpink wouldn’t be #1. Just say you don’t like his style and keep it pushing! It’s that simple.


      • My God. You really don’t understand humans, do you? A greater portion of the entire human race would eat a bowl full of shredded cardboard if you package and market it right. Take 4 girls: Meticulously groom, train, coach, and micromanage them. Everything down to their nail polish and their on camera behavior. Hand them songs that were crafted to appeal to the largest possible fan base ( you know.. ..the cardboard munchers). Then cackle manically as you stroke your cat and watch the results. That’s pretty much it.

        Do others end up liking the music and the group? Sure, but those people are an ancillary bonus. Some genuinely dig the music/girls. Some hop on the bandwagon because of FOMO, or the need to blend. A lot probably have no idea what alternatives exist, or whether there are better groups/songs in the genre.

        Regardless, welcome to K-Pop. BP aren’t the only artists assembled in a lab. They didn’t invent anything. Their style is picked out for them like a mom laying out clothes for her kids before school. Just.. ..every.. ..other.. The only difference is marketing and PR. They don’t walk on water; unless it’s CGI’ed into their MV. Thankfully, it’s not because.. ..well, could you imagine the universal cacophonous squee if they did? Ugh!

        Liked by 3 people

  5. “For some inexplicable reason, K-pop fandom has decided to treat each BLACKPINK release as *The Most Important Thing Ever*, despite being fooled over and over again by the same cheap parlor tricks.”

    LOL It’s oh so true.
    My well deserved +1.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Is this the worst blackpink single EVER??? I genuinely think it might be. Even HYLT and KTL had some fun melodic moments at some points. The rap on this in particular is so bad, and the chorus is such a nonstarter that I cannot believe there are so many fans who listen to this and think, “this is good rap that I am hearing. This rap sounds good.”

    For legal reasons I will include one positive thing. I like this hair color on Lisa 🙂


    • If any BP fans think that a low caliper misfire like this qualifies it as “Number One with a Bullet” release, then they need to change the fandom name to “BLANKS”. Sorry, there I go shooting my mouth of again.

      Liked by 5 people

  7. This wasn’t their best. It’s their style but sth is missing.
    When I heard the Ra ta ta ta, I remembered 2NE1’s ‘I’m the best’. WAS I THE ONLY ONE???


  8. The only BLACKPINK song I had ever heard in its entirety was “Lovesick Girls.” I could probably tell you vaguely what the chorus of a couple others sound like (most notably “Boombayah”), but that’s the extent of my knowledge. I read this review prior to listening because BLACKPINK is very hyped, and I was curious. It only piqued my curiosity even further, and I had to go listen.

    …..What did I just listen to? I’m not into it, whatever it was. I was doing okay until the chorus hit, and then I thought, “What just happened??? How did we get here from there (*specifically with regard to the jarring shift in the vocals*)?” It didn’t improve from there. Curiosity has been satisfied. I’m good with one listen, thanks. No more needed.


  9. I kind of liked the second verse but everything else was just pretty boring to me. I absolutely could’ve done without that “ratatata” breakdown copypasted straight from Kill This Love and How You Like That.

    Of course, their fans will act like anything they release is SOTY and anyone who dares to criticize it even slightly will be deemed a hater who can’t enjoy things. It’s best to ignore those people.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. The galling thing about this comeback isn’t even that it’s bad. It’s not good, sure. But it’s not as meme-worthy-bad as “How You Like That”. It’s just a boring, lazy, phoned-in parody of the majority of their (limited) work since D4.

    What a colossal waste of talent and charisma.

    Liked by 3 people

    • What are you talking about? I wrote a haiku! Well.. ..a sardonic bastardized western version of one; but still! This site needs more poetry and creativity. We sure ain’t gettin’ any of that from a lot of the songs this year, amirite?! Here’s another; just because…

      There once was a girl from Nantucket
      Who sailed to the East in a bucket
      In search of K-Pop
      She encountered this flop
      As she left she said, “YG can suck it!”

      Liked by 1 person

      • am a former blink, so:

        two years of waiting
        to be let down again.
        the chorus is just so grating
        the song deserves this rating.
        with an outro this frustrating
        how can fans defend
        two years of waiting
        to be let down again.

        Liked by 3 people

        • I’ve no issue with being corrected; when a correction is necessary. However, I think you missed a detail or two. My first comment to this post was a senryū. While a haiku is traditionally about nature and the world we live in, a variation of haiku called senryū is used when the topic is about humanity/human nature and often a bit.. ..tongue in cheek. Both are forms of poetry.

          In the post you replied to, I wrote about my initial post (the senryū) and the need for more poetry on this site. Instead of composing another haiku/senryū, I switched the format to a limerick. So my “here’s another” comment was in reference to my presentation of “more” poetry, not a description of the “type” of poetry that followed.

          Liked by 1 person

        • But darling daughter knows the score
          Does it make her roar or make her snore
          From her backseat court
          Comes the final report
          No thanks, mom, I’ll listen no more


          • .
            Darling daughter is now in her teens,
            so hard to interrupt what is it she means.
            What is this shrug?
            What is this ugh?
            What tug in her mug as it streams?

            (Sonny really did say “Ok, this is bad” in his little kid voice.)

            Liked by 2 people

  11. This song’s rap section is the well placed rap section compared to their past songs. As a listener who has grown to appreciate more diverse sounds from other groups (and their bsides), this song is not out of this world, mind blowing. Is it fun and does it have catchy parts? Yes. It is a very charismatic songs meant for the global audiences. Good for them for achieving that. Those of us who have listened / listen to a lot of KPOP and have moved away from the loud, EDM based, ‘catchphrase’ comprising lyrical songs may not constantly loop this song. That outro is horrible. It is so jarring to listen to, I just twitched my face listening to that. The song before that was dance worthy, and then that…. It’s a fun song to listen to. Their hardcore millions of fans will love this. The song is nothing less, and certainly nothing more.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. One of BP’s worst songs IMO. I like some of their music because it’s catchy, but this one is just full of a weird mishmash of sounds. The intro was very strange too.


  13. my problem with your “review” is not that u don’t like the song or them…is how you think you are an expert with an exquisite taste and treat the fans like idiots “being fooled” over and over… that shows that you have a huge ego and treat others as if they were on a lower mental level than yours…im wondering if you can make people treat your articles as if they were at least something worth reading…

    Liked by 1 person

    • “What is an Inferiority Complex?”

      The essence of an inferiority complex is having a collection of negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and tendencies. Signs you may have one, according to Depression Alliance, include:

      – Repetitively focusing on thoughts that are upsetting.
      – Shutting down out of shame, guilt, embarrassment, or an inward sense of defeat.
      – Demeaning others as a way to transfer their feelings of isolation and failure.
      – Feel responsible for other people’s shortcomings and failures.
      – Seek attention and validation by pretending to be sick, depressed, or by continually bringing the conversation back to them.
      – Be extremely sensitive to both compliments and criticisms.
      – Exhibit personality traits, such as perfectionism and neuroticism (a tendency toward anxiety, depression, and other negative feelings).

      For more information, click on the following link:

      Liked by 1 person

        • How can he (Nick) be unprofessional when the only thing he ever professed to being is a fan with a website; which he is. Granted, he has an abundance of knowledge of this genre that many may lack, but that just provides him with referential perspective. However, he still filters all of that through a personal lens. Hence, the name of this site.. ..The “BIAS” List. Can you not read? or take the time to gain a better understanding of a topic before applying a callous judgement?

          Between you and Nick, who is really applying a fair and impartial critique?

          Liked by 4 people

        • I’m not mad, but you’re very clearly bitter. You’re trying to twist the writer into a bad person when he pointed out the very business plan that yg is going with BP. In fact you had made it sound like he was rude in his review. Grow up dude

          Liked by 1 person

    • As a black pink fan thatrven likes recycled as like ktl and d4 hell hylt is fun for me.
      This song is a disaster
      The critic might try to judged in a good manner. But I judge of my ears like it of not only the Chorus is retainable. There vocals clashed to The point of no return.
      People might consider blackpink songs but even like raps that have a soul.
      I am talking to a hater,hylt,d4
      Is it a out love lsg,love to hate me
      But the rap here was meaningless
      Coming from someone who has liked every BP rap so far I think it weighs much.
      Sorry but as much as I like kpop i have always thought that most of there song clash for example itzy sneakers
      You can call me weirdo part was so nice but it faded into a EDM chorus. I was not expecting but is nice.
      While I always think the indulged in sound too much I still liked it. They are anthemic and uplift my mood. Give me this swag when I sing it. But pink venom did nothing like that. Even when am singing pretty savage. I feel yeah am a bitch you can’t manage but with pink venom boy am I lost.
      When Blogs like Koreaboo praise how they flaunt there superstar and ambassador statuses. I ask myself what of fans like me who can’t flaunt much wealth. Does it mean we can’t be their fans?
      I like singing how you like that to haters
      I like singing pretty savage to people who think they can control me
      I like singing love to hate me for people who take my love for granted but am sorry pink venom just wasn’t it
      Lovesick girls remain my best BP anthemic song and you Neva know my best slow song.
      I was planning to flaunt bp comeback to my friends but I have been disappointed
      Might still flaunt the mv though some parts felt weird. The chorus was nice but the song didn’t glow melodically.
      But no artist has been congratulated by world famous brands right?
      Sign out from a honest BP fan
      I have no money not need no favours from BP so of course I am more honest than professional
      If ready for love got an mv from them it would have so much better than this.
      I want to call it trash but as a songwriter who knows the effort put I refrain.
      If it was a lesser girl group I would ask did you guys lose a knot
      Stream foreva young my favourite


  14. This sounded good, minus that chorus, in which Teddy has once again managed to make a good sounding song than remembered “Oh! We are supposed to be making a YG single! Not a different sounding song!”

    Hooks – 7
    Production – 7
    Longetivity – 7
    Bias – 8
    Ranking: 7.25

    Proof not all girl crush music is actually good (this is coming from someone who enjoyed DKB’s Sober)


  15. This song sounds like it was made to spite the members of Blackpink instead of giving them something that they can master. Rating’s about right.


  16. I feel like the comment section is overwhelmingly negative, bordering on hateful. I don’t think that the song is bad as everyone is making it out to be. I for one like the chorus because it does something different from all their other songs. I’ve seen too many comments saying that the formula is copy pasted, but when has Black Pink ever done an anti-drop chorus? They took a risk, and it may not have paid off to most people here (seeing how everyone is trashing the chorus), but it certainly paid off for me and many other people who genuinely like the song. It rubs be the wrong way to see so many people saying that the music is objectively bad with so many people agreeing. People don’t have to like the music, but at the same time, one also cannot insult others for liking the song (saying fans will eat up whatever is thrown at them which is true in some cases, but some simply just like the song).

    I liked most of the song (especially the chorus hahaha), but I’m not a big sucker for the finale which felt underwhelming considering that it should be a ‘finale’. Production needed to amped up to make for a perfect contrast to the more laid-back chorus and would have made the song feel much more complete. TBH, the chorus feels almost like twerk music which I can’t be mad at because I vibe to it lol. I usually agree with Nick’s reviews, but regarding BP, I’ll accept that we will never see eye-to-eye and that is fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • you know what, this is totally fair: i think there’s some jadedness because of toxic blinks who force their liking of the songs. i do think there’s a bit of bandwagony-ness in the comments, but also this anti-drop chorus was bound to piss off people (especially since the vocal processing on it is really weird? at least to me). but yeah, i think a lot of the saltier comments are verging on hateful — glad you like it though 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m so happy you understood my point of view. I also understand the sentiments, but it is a bit painful to watch how harsh some (actually most) of the comments are. I guess I’ll remind myself to never revisit this particular comment section in the future. I hope their upcoming album will be much better received on this review site (at least).


    • Fair, I think some outside factors do come to play with BP since they rarely release music in comparison to their peers. Some people can definitely go overboard in either direction. I think the song is pretty mid but you’re free to like whatever and I’m not gonna judge you cause at least you articulated your thoughts instead of attacking those who are critical

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I totally agree
    I’m not a blink but I actually like Blackpink since their debut.

    But seriously all the hype for this CB and this drop seriously disappoints. What makes it worse is that all the BP fanatics cannot accept any criticism and worships *any* crumbs that BP drops.

    After 2 years of globetrotting, modeling, basically being expensive influencers – musically I don’t see any improvements or efforts at all.

    Even New Jeans sounds more charismatic and they debuted like….. this month?? Lol


  18. there’s always an edge blackpink brings to songs like these. as always they make it work. i don’t think it’s that bad. if you take it for what it is, it’s a serviceable hype track.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. teddy park strikes again, I didn’t even check the song credits and i’m 100% sure teddy composed that. it literally screams teddy’s name in the most mediocre manner ever, can somebody fire him already? the same song structure, the same sound since D4, SINCE 2018, imagine how tired we are, like can you come up with something else?

    it’s so forgettable and aged horribly for me, even how you like that had better longevity. the girls have so much potential and they definitely deserve more.


  20. Other than the chanting in the begining, I don’t care for it. It’s a typical Blackpink song, IDK why my friends were begging me to listen to it.



  21. I’m a hardcore Blink. At first Pink Venom didn’t have a positive impression on me. But after a couple of weeks, it started to grow on me. Found myself singing the song inside my head and I realised I quite like the vocals on the song (Jisoo and Rose) and Lisa’s rap, Jennie’s visuals, and the song intro ( the band name repeated as if it was an incantation, it draws you in). I’d give a song a 8,5/10 because the dance isn’t the most impressive and the chorus could definitely be a bit better. But it’s a Blackpink song, it’s really them, their style. Looking forward to the album to see if at least the other songs will match our expectations and our long wait. 🙃


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