
Song Review: Jennie (BLACKPINK) – You & Me

Jennie (BLACKPINK) - You & MeCombing through my archives, I was shocked to find the last time I wrote about a Jennie song was way back in 2018 with Solo. That’s pre-pandemic, folks! You & Me marks a welcome return for the BLACKPINK member, though the song has been kicking around for a few months after being performed live.

You & Me borrows many hallmarks from BLACKPINK’s music, even interpolating hooks we’ve heard from the group. It’s a hodgepodge of sounds, some more successful than others. I’m happy to hear a slightly more upbeat track. The production takes awhile to get going, but the chugging dancefloor energy of the pre-chorus has a ton of potential. And although the song opts for a drop-style hook (albeit with vocals), its intensity remains relatively high. The first half of the chorus works well, even if the synths ornamenting Jennie’s vocals are quite grating. The “look at me, look at you” second half brings back memories of How You Like That that are best forgotten.

Overall, You & I feels unfinished — almost like a demo that could be sculpted into something quite compelling. There’s an unexpected emptiness in places and the song would benefit from a more fleshed-out climax. Jennie’s vocal adds plenty of personality but deserves a more striking arrangement. Even so, fans of BLACKPINK’s music will find plenty of familiar tropes to enjoy. At this point in their career, I guess I’m just hoping to hear a bit more evolution in sound and scope.

Hooks 7
 Production 7
 Longevity 8
 Bias 8

Grade: C

10 thoughts on “Song Review: Jennie (BLACKPINK) – You & Me

  1. i think this is a good direction for her! although, i will say i don’t think she entirely pulled the sound off. it does sound like a demo but it is far more interesting than her solo five years ago or any blackpink solos in that matter (except on the ground). jennie is an entrancing performer. imagine what could have been had this song been more polished and thought out.

    i heard she’s about to release more music soon. i’m just hoping it’ll be more interesting and exciting than this one. i’m hoping for a song that is astounding from start to finish rather than a song that only clicks in fits and starts.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think the Coachella version of the song gives a more galvanizing climax that the song really needed! It offers a more satisfying conclusion to an otherwise sterile song. I prefer that one more.


  3. Yep, sounds unfinished and rushed out due to all the stuff going on about BP’s contract renewal. Even the video looks like it was filmed in a day after two days’ notice.
    As for the song itself. Its fine, but not my style.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I agree it sounds like a demo. That needs to be rewritten. I can’t help but wonder if Teddy & the YG production team ran out of inspiration or are simply focused on making a product to suit BP’s image with no craft. The songwriting is so offputtingly shallow. It’s about a relationship but offers no details or sentiment for me as a listener to connect to it. And predictably, it has a dash of their trademark narcissi- uh I mean- confidence. “How are you ever, ever gonna find another like me?” I like the sound but I’m so over the gassed-up, vapid lyrics.


  5. Could’ve done without the drop in the chorus. I got a love hate relationship with the texture of the synth. The way “moonlight ” is sang gets on my nerves. The second part sounds been removed all together. I really like the verses and pre chorus. The rap/break had some potential but wasn’t a great way to end the song.


  6. I thought it was fine until the obligatory since 2010 rap insert every pop song has now, near the end. So cliche, so basic and so unnecessary. I enjoyed the visuals, though.


  7. I never watched or listened before this article cause I always just thought it was a cover of V’s song 💀
    I’m glad it’s not but it also is nothing compared to “Solo”.
    The video looks like a dress rehearsal because she looks so bored dancing. I’ve got a feeling she’s fed up with the industry (I get it, girl) but when it comes through in your pre-prepared videos then that is a huge problem.
    I hope for her sake she escapes whatever she’s dealing with soon and teams up with a worthy producer because the talent and skill is evident it’s just locked away..

    Liked by 1 person

    • >pre-prepared videos

      I saw the Kyocera dome concert, 30 seconds into the concert she looked like she was so done/being forced to perform. I think YG has a lot of control over what they sing and they may not like it.


  8. It’s shockingly flat. Like so much potential, but it is empty. Very interesting to see the direction she prefers considering Solo and this. She did say she quickly realised she likes singing more not rap.


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